Newsletter: People think Joe Biden killed JFK (seriously)

Hello fellow citizens of the internet! Andrew here. Welcome to today’s edition of web_crawlr.  Our top stories today are about: Conspiracy theorists believing that President Joe Biden was secretly the man accused of assassinating JFK, a shopper’s viral warning about MLMs recruiting people in stores, ousted Rep. George Santos (R-N.Y.) attending Trump’s victory party in New Hampshire, and a Taco Bell worker sharing …

‘First Take’ Went Way Off The Rails As Mad Dog Gave His Thoughts On The JFK Assassination

ESPN Wednesday is the 60-year anniversary of the last time a sitting American president died in office. On Nov. 22, 1963, John F. Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas, and in a collection of words that will come as no surprise to anyone who is familiar with his entire schtick, Chris “Mad Dog” Russo …

The night before his murder, JFK became the first president to meet with Latino leaders

November 22, 2023, will mark the 60th anniversary of one of the most horrific moments in American history, the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. The anniversary has been greeted by a host of new documentaries and renewed interest in the conspiracies surrounding the assassination. One historic moment from Kennedy’s short but consequential presidency occurred …

Tucker Carlson Debuted His New Twitter Show, Teeming With Conspiracy Theories About Ukraine, BLM Protests, 9/11, Aliens, And — Why Not! — The Assassination Of JFK

Twitter / @TuckerCarlson Tucker Carlson was fired by Fox News in late April, but props where’s it’s due: It took him less than a month-and-a-half to bow his first new show at his new home. (This probably violates his old contract, but that will surely be settled over a lengthy legal battle.) As threatened, the …

Amazon closing beloved bookstore accidentally gets phrase tied to JFK assassination trending during Trump arraignment

A bookselling website owned by Amazon announced it would be going out of business on Twitter Tuesday at the worst possible time—the name of it harkening back to an infamous assassination just as former President Donald Trump was surrendering to authorities in New York City. The Book Depository, a popular U.K. bookseller, announced on Twitter …

A QAnon Cultist Claims To Be Relaunching ‘George,’ JFK Jr.’s Long-Defunct Political Magazine

Lawrence Schwartzwald/Sygma via Getty Images QAnon followers’ obsession with John F. Kennedy Jr. is a peculiar thing—and only partially because he’s dead. What makes it even more curious is that Kennedy comes from a decidedly Democratic dynasty, so would likely share no common political ground—or any ground, really—with these cultists. But that hasn’t stopped one …

Five Popular JFK Conspiracy Theories

JFK’s assassination occurred against the backdrop of tensions between the USA, Cuba, and Russia. Oswald was a known Cuba-Russian sympathizer, and according to Perry, this is the hardest theory to debunk. “Supposedly Kennedy was fed up with the shenanigans that the CIA was pulling,” he told CNN. “He found out the CIA was trying to …

QAnon Cultists In Dallas Waiting For JFK Jr. To Return From The Dead May Now Be Drinking Disinfectant Cocktails To Protect Themselves From COVID

Monika Skolimowska/Getty Images While the CDC reports that approximately 62 percent of Americans are now fully vaccinated, there are some people down in Texas who think that drinking a bleach-like cocktail of disinfectants is the better way to ward off COVID. Perhaps unsurprisingly, this group of pharmaceutical nincompoops are some of the same QAnon cultists …

JFK Jr. Didn’t Return From The Dead At The Grassy Knoll, But QAnon Cultists Think He’s Going To Do So At A Rolling Stones Show Tonight Instead

Getty Image The QAnon-backed JFK Jr.-resurrection saga has, if you can believe it, taken an even stranger turn. Just to recap, a bunch of QAnon believers have had a pretty unhealthy obsession with the deceased son of former President John F. Kennedy for a while now. They once predicted he would pop up in Washington, …

QAnon Cultists Have Flocked To Dallas Because They Believe JFK Jr. Will Make An Appearance At The Grassy Knoll On Tuesday

Getty Image If ever there was a story that could simply begin and end with its headline, this is it. In what sounds like what would have been an amazing cover story for The Weekly World News back in the day, Raw Story is reporting that QAnon followers began gathering at the AT&T Discovery Plaza …