Intrusive Neighbors Trespassed On This Guy’s Property And Were Bitten By His Dog. Now They Want Compensation Even Though They’re The Ones Who Took The Shared Fence Down To Begin With.

It’s natural for people to feel entitled to one another’s life after they’ve spent years living next to each other. But familiarity doesn’t mean you can trespass on someone’s land without their permission. Find out what happened when this person’s neighbors intruded and got more than they bargained for in the process. My next door …

Dog Tells Delivery Workers to Get out Using Talking Buttons

“I think they were low key hurt by what he said.” Source: X | @doodleboybax Article continues below advertisement The video begins by showing footage of some delivery workers standing in the social media user’s home. They appear to be putting together some furniture. “Having a talking dog is all fun and games until he …

Daughter Is Tired Of Her Parents’ Terrible Treatment, So She Slips Dog Food In Their Dinner And They Give Her Compliments About The Taste

As much as I love dogs, I am not envious of their diets. Unless you’re one of those rich families who feed their dog pure food, I do not envy any animal that has to eat kibble! But it must not be half bad, because your dog is ready to knock you over for that …

This Neighbor Strategically Landscaped Their Yard So That Lazy Dog Owners Have No Excuse But To Look After Their Pets

There should be a test people have to take for pets and babies — am I right? Read this Reddit post about how one neighbor is fed up living next to lazy dog owners and how landscaping solves it all. Check out all of the details below! My neighbors have two, sometimes three, untrained dogs …

She Bowed Out Of A Hike Because It Was Too Hot For Her Dog And Someone Made Fun Of Her For It, But She Had A Comeback Ready To Shut Him Down

Responsible dog owners avoid putting their furry friends in situations that distress them or are harmful to their health. But not every ego can handle hearing that a dog is given the same consideration a child would receive from its parents. Meet a responsible dog mom in this story. I told my friends I could …

Dog refuses to walk with her mom, but miraculously, her legs 'work with Grandma'

What gives dogs the right to have such big and hilarious personalities? It seems like these dogs have found a way to make their humans laugh while also annoying them until they’re ready to come apart. It’s truly a skill that only dogs and toddlers seem to possess in great quantities. Zoe is a pit …

‘You’re harassing a girl with a service dog.’ – JCPenney Customer Has A Medical Episode At The Store And A Fellow Shopper Starts Questioning Her Condition

People with invisible disabilities and illnesses are often harassed by passersby for supposedly faking their condition or pretending to need privileges or attention. It happened to Katie, a JC Penney shopper who was sitting in the store with her guide dog during a medical episode. “You can’t sit anywhere else?” another shopper asks her. “I literally …

He Sat In Disabled Seating On The Bus With His Service Dog, But Was Still Accused Of Faking A Disability

It’s nice to let older and disabled people have a place to sit on a crowded bus. In today’s story, a man with a service dog is wondering if it was wrong for him to sit in the disabled seat on the bus. Let’s see how the story unfolds… I, 20M have several disabilities including …

Reporter doing a story about a stolen dog catches the 'dog-napper' live on camera

There’s an old trope in movies and TV where a criminal will return to the scene of a crime shortly after it was committed. It’s a great way to create a sense of drama and to give an easy way for the heroes to catch the perpetrator, but does it happen in real life? It …

It's here: A website that uses an algorithm to match you with the perfect dog for your personality

PawsLikeMe might know you better than you know yourself. Hello from the other siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide!!! I’m a dog and I love youuuuuuuu!!! Because PawsLikeMe knows about your dreams. Your DOG dreams, that is. How? A dog-human personality quiz! A sophisticated one, too! From their website: “The personality assessment is based on 4 core personality traits that …

His Wife Wants To Rehome The Family Dog Because She Claims It’s Affecting Her Health, But Hubby Stands Firm And Says The Pup Is Staying Put

Pets bring so much joy into your life that once you have them, it’s hard to imagine life without them. So, what do you do when your spouse suddenly wants to get rid of the family dog after the kids come along? In the following story, a husband finds himself in this very situation. Let’s …

Her Roommate Leaves Food Out Despite Warnings That The Dog Will Eat It, But She Gets Upset And Refuses To Take Blame

Living with roommates often means making compromises, especially where pets are concerned. So, what do you do when your dog keeps getting into your roommate’s food despite everyone agreeing to keep things out of reach? In the following story, one roommate deals with this exact issue. Here’s what happened. I (22) live with two roommates, …