If love is the most precious thing, then the most difficult trials must come with it. __ Tapduk Emre…

If love is the most precious thing, then the most difficult trials must come with it. __ Tapduk Emre 🥀 . . . . .#TapdukEmre #yunusemre #mehmetbozdag #KuruluşOsman #kurulus #Ertugrul #ertugrulurdu

Where there is no peace, there is no justice. Where there is no justice, there is no state nor community. __ Tapduk Emr…

Where there is no peace, there is no justice. Where there is no justice, there is no state nor community. __ Tapduk Emre 🕊 . . . .#yunusemre #yunusemresözleri #TapdukEmre #kurulusosman #Ertugrul #payitahtabdulhamid