‘HE WAS SCREAMING’: Taylor Swift’s ‘August’ is now being used to torment pets on TikTok

Taylor Swift’s “August” started recirculating at the beginning of the month, as it has since its release in the summer of 2020, and became a meme. But a new TikTok trend involving the song is producing dizzying results. While TikToker Mikaela Bisson posted the song on Aug. 6, as the soundtrack to an epic jet …

Is He a Jerk for Buying Pets for His Kids Without His Ex-Wife’s Approval?

Being split up with someone and having kids requires a lot of patience and a lot of compromise. And, if you’ve ever had to spend time in that situation, you know that feelings can be hurt easily and things can get UGLY. But is this guy an a**hole for getting pets for his kids without …

When Family Members Want Your Pet’s Name

“It might just be pregnancy brain, but your cousin is acting entitled. Your cat already has a name, it’s Millie. If your cousin doesn’t want her daughter to share a name with a cat she can cope. Your sister though, she’s off her rocker.” —u/Chaos-in-a-CookieJar Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/kristatorres/change-cats-name-reddit

Is This Bride Out Of Line For Putting Her Pets In The Wedding Party Over Her Niece And Nephew

Weddings might often bring out the worst in the bride and groom, but sometimes they also make those who feel entitled to make some of the decisions behave badly as well. In this case, the bride’s brother and sister-in-law have had a set of “rainbow” twins after experiencing several pregnancy losses. The entire family was …

Screenshots Of Pets Before And After Being Rescued

Screenshots Of Pets Before And After Being Rescued Sometimes, I need a little faith in humanity, so I run right over to the “BeforeNAfterAdoption” subreddit where families are encouraged to share photos of their rescued animals. Each side-by-side perfectly captures how being placed in a loving family can make a massive difference. And these photos …

Breeder Tells People Shopping For Pets Online What To Look For To Avoid Being Scammed

If you’re looking to buy a purebred puppy or dog online, listen…there are a lot of people who are going to judge you. Unless you have a breed-specific service or protection need, there are about a million mutts in the shelter who will happily take their place as your family dog. If you are looking for …

What type of dog is that? 'Hidden' iPhone feature identifies pets, plants and landmarks.

Have you ever been walking your dog around the neighborhood, noticed a pretty flower, and wondered what kind it is? Have you ever looked at your dog and wondered what breed they are? Well, a new feature on your iPhone called Visual Look Up provides you with information about plants, pets and landmarks while you’re …

Chocolate lab is not in the mood for pets and his reaction is leaving people in stitches

Sometimes we’re not in the mood to be touched, and the same goes for our pets. While cats are notorious for snubbing humans who dare to touch them without explicit affirmative consent for exactly 3.5 pets, dogs are different. Dogs like to get head scratches, butt pats and for some reason slapped on the ribs …

Enjoy These True Stories of Their People’s Incredible Hero Pets

Are you ready to hear some true stories about hero pets that went above and beyond the call of duty for their owners? Then you’re going to love what these folks had to say about their furry friends can definitely be categorized as heroes. Check out these great tales! “One morning, my daughter’s fiancé, Jeremy, …