‘Does your employer still give 50 percent?’: Hooters server says restaurant discontinued discount for workers

A Hooters server says the restaurant used to offer their workers a free salad when they worked a shift. While not exactly a full meal, at least it was free. Until now: She said the restaurant discontinued the practice, along with the 50% employee discount. In a viral video, TikTok user and Hooters server Leah …

‘Since when did 10 percent become a bad thing?’: Bartender exposes customers who insist on paying group tabs but don’t ‘tip accordingly’

A bartender is catching some heat on TikTok after calling out folks who grab group tabs, but don’t tip accordingly. Taylor Miner (@taylorminer) argued that if customers are going to act like “baller(s)” and pay for an entire round of drinks for their friends and leave a 10% tip, then that’s a travesty. However, several …

This Hack Could Cut Your Electric Bill by 40 Percent

Could a simple home improvement hack cut electric bills by almost half? You decide if the evidence supports making a “powerful” change. Everything is more expensive these days, from food to home maintenance bills. Our electric bill has ballooned to $75 more per month, although we haven’t changed our operating habits. Article continues below advertisement …

Teacher Says “The Kids Are 100 Percent Different” This School Year and Can’t Explain Why

A teacher shared a video where she explains how different kids are this school year and what other teachers say about the change in them. A teacher took to TikTok to say that “kids are 100 percent different” this school year. If you have kids, then their behavior as of late probably isn’t anything new …

In 2022, 95.3 million people in the EU (22 percent of the…

In 2022, 95.3 million people in the EU (22 percent of the population) were at risk of poverty or social exclusion, i.e. living in households facing at least one of the three risks of poverty and exclusion: income poverty, severe material and social deprivation and/or living in a household with very low work intensity (where …

This guy breaks down why he thinks a 90 percent tax rate is actually good for the economy

Taxes are confusing for a good number of people, but we pay them anyway, and we think raising taxes is a bad thing based on how a tax hike would affect our personal finances. But no one really explains how having higher taxes for extremely wealthy people doesn’t trickle down to mean higher taxes for …

People born before 1990 are sharing their now-useless but 100 percent nostalgic skills

Hey there, millennials! Welcome to the “Holy crapoly, I have real-life memories from 20 years ago!” club. It’s a strangely disorienting milestone to reach when you find yourself starting sentences with “When I was young…” or “Back in my day…” isn’t it? Your Gen X elders have been here for a while, but even we …