Could a simple home improvement hack cut electric bills by almost half? You decide if the evidence supports making a “powerful” change.

Everything is more expensive these days, from food to home maintenance bills. Our electric bill has ballooned to $75 more per month, although we haven’t changed our operating habits.

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Thanks to TikTok creator @kavellkavon, people who are paying more to run their air conditioning and even turn on the lights might be able to save money. The TikToker claims his tip can save you up to 40 percent on electric bills. OK, we’re all ears!

So, what is this secret hack for saving up to 40 percent on electric bills?

As the creator says in the video, he isn’t sure why governments across the world aren’t suggesting this simple change to homes to “better society” by helping consumers save money — and even potentially cut down on electricity usage, thereby benefitting our planet.

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He claims the hack is “powerful” and “awesome” and is only problematic if your HOA won’t allow you to implement it.

And, drum roll please, the simple hack is just to paint the roof of your home in a super white shade.

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Why? Because according to a video the creator sends us to that was originally shared on Inside Edition, scientists have found that a white roof’s temperature is significantly lower than that of a darker roof in gray or black.

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This easy adjustment may even cool off planet Earth, according to the report. The hack works because white paint reflects the sun’s rays and can cut air conditioning bills.

The proof is in the surface temperature of the lighter roof, with a white-painted roof’s reading being 95 degrees, while a gray roof reads at an astonishing 165 degrees. Convinced yet?

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Well, consider that given the evidence, scientists have already created “the whitest paint ever,” that can deflect up to 98 percent of the sun’s rays. And at least one experts claims that painting just 2 percent of Earth’s surface with the paint could stop global warming.

Commenters are divided on whether this solution is viable.

TikTok was ready to weigh in on this creator’s share, which certainly seems to be supported by science. In fact, other countries already employ this hack according to some commenters, with one sharing that in Bermuda, only light-colored roofs are allowed.

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But others pointed out the seeming impracticality of everyone in America painting their roofs white. “HOA Karens could never,” joked one person, while someone else wondered how to put on their black roof in the winter.

An angry HOA Karen
Source: Getty Images

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The creator noted that a roof painter would first coat the shingles with tar and then paint them white, so as to insulate the home and keep residents toasty warm when temperatures drop.

A large amount of commenters were less concerned with astronomical electric bills and helping to reverse global warming, versus being protected from a laser attack from outer space.

Dozens of people claim that painting your roof blue is the only way to save yourself from an alien laser invasion. Decisions, decisions. Perhaps white and blue striped?
