When getting a new car, there are a lot of factors that make up your car note. The type of car, your credit score, and how much you put down all influence your monthly payment. This creator sparked a debate on their affordability after sharing her car note price. What’s the car note price? Boss …
Tag Archives: Paying
Business Owner Discovered She’s Been Paying Her Neighbor’s Electric Bill for Five Years. – ‘The power company doesn’t want to take care of it.’
Well, that’s not fair… Not by any stretch of the imagination! A business owner named Lauren posted a series of videos on TikTok and talked about how she discovered she’s been paying way more than her fair share for five years. Lauren said she got a $500 bill for the electric bill and it “raised …
Customer Demands Worker Re-Scan Their Items After Thinking She Was Overcharged, But She Ends Up Almost Paying More Instead While Wasting An Hour Arguing Over Discounts
Working in retail means mastering the art of patience, especially when technology and customers don’t always cooperate. When one customer refused to accept a simple explanation about promotional discounts, it was clear she was about to learn a costly lesson in the value of listening. Read on for all the details! So I work at …
‘You’re paying more than average‘: Whole Foods customer speculates rotten food gets pawned off on pick-up, delivery customers
Earlier in the year, CNET reported that Amazon expanded its unlimited grocery delivery service. This applied to both Amazon Fresh and Whole Foods in over 3,500 cities across the U.S. With free unlimited deliveries, 1-hour delivery windows, and 30-minute pickup options, it seems a convenient way of getting the groceries you need. However, a Whole …
Security Guard Was Forced To Read The Employee Manual, But Discovered That The Company Wasn’t Paying Him What He Is Owed
Just about every job out there has an employee manual, even if most people never read them. What would you do if your boss told you to read the manual and while doing it, you discovered that you weren’t being compensated properly? That is what the security guard in this story had happen, and it …
Tesla Owner Shared How She Got Out Of Paying The High Costs For Her Two-Year Maintenance Check-Up. – ‘This is how much I’m spending.’
Another day, another Tesla story… A TikTokker named Rebecca posted a story and showed viewers how she broke the rules and avoided the typical Tesla two-year maintenance check-up. She said, “So, I have been going back and forth with Tesla and I thought this is something I could avoid.” Rebecca continued, “With Tesla, it’s a …
He Said He’d Lend Her Money, But It Turned Out That She Has Been Paying For Everything. So When She Put A Stop To It, He Got Angry.
A marriage is supposed to be an equal partnership where each spouse chips in to evenly distribute burdens and challenges. But what if it doesn’t happen like that? What if it’s a power struggle? See how why this wife is going to take a big step to get more control in her life. My wallet …
How young should kids start paying rent? Mom charges teenage son to have his own room.
A single mother of 5, 4 boys and 1 girl, found herself in a bind. Her 16-year-old son was tired of sharing a room with his 14-year-old brother and wanted some privacy. The family lives in a 3-bedroom house, where mom gets a room and the youngest 3 siblings share one as well. “Two months …
‘We’re paying $3,400 a month for this house and it’s falling apart’: New homeowner issues warning after ‘nightmare’ experience with Oakwood Homes
A TikToker has gone viral after her dream home via Oakwood Homes quickly turned into a nightmare. “Man, I didn’t want to take this to TikTok,” she began. “But feel like I have no other option. I’m at the end of my rope.” She continued, “Two years ago, we bought what we thought was our …
When His Carpool Buddies Stop Paying For Rides, He Leaves Them At School To Teach Them A Lesson
Not everyone appreciates the value of a favor until it’s too late. So, what would you do if you agreed to help some friends by giving them rides, only for them to take advantage of your generosity? This driver reaches his breaking point when his carpool buddies slack on their agreement. Here’s how he handled …
‘How much extra are we ALL paying??’: Trader Joe’s customer catches worker charging her for bags. She brought her own reusable one
Nine states now have grocery stores charge customers for single-use plastic bags in an effort to discourage the use of a major polluter to the environment. One of those states is California. Bringing one’s own reusable shopping bag to the store should absolve them of being responsible for bag fees. California-based frequent Trader Joe’s shopper …
‘I’m paying them tens of thousands of dollars a year’: Woman says college gave her faulty fridge causing all her insulin to expire within 30 days
A student says that the fridge in her dorm broke, ruining the medication she needs to survive with type 1 diabetes. In a video with over 355,000 views, TikToker Meredith (@sleepy_salad_) shows a clip of her removing insulin containers from a mini fridge. In the background, sad violin music plays. “So guys, this is actually …