Employee Gets Fed Up With Sick Policy And Ends Up With A Severance Package Instead. – ‘He refused to accept the note allowing my return to work.’

If there’s one thing people are all the way fed up with in America, it’s crappy leave policies at work. Sick leave, vacation, whatever – we are all entitled to our fair share. OP almost never called in sick, which was good, because their employer didn’t really allow that. I called out sick for the …

‘Here are some snacks for your trouble’: Woman tries bribing FedEx driver so he will leave her package at the door. Did it work?

Getting packages delivered to your door isn’t always as easy as it initially seems. Numerous tales of delivery gone awry have gone viral in previous months; for example, one user showed a group of dogs tearing open a package before it could be delivered. Another claimed he was given the option to have his package …

A Rusty Blade In Her Anthropologie Package Sliced Her Finger Open, But She Still Hasn’t Gotten A Response From Them

This story is crazy! I’ve heard those old urban legends about people getting razor blades in their Halloween candy and stuff like that, but this is a new one! A woman named Adalyn shared a video on TikTok where she said she found something pretty dangerous in her package from Anthropologie. She said, “So I …

‘I love Elton John but I just want my home fragrances’: Bath and Body Works customer thought her package was lost. She didn’t expect what she eventually received

You won’t be able to guess the unexpected items that were inside this woman’s Bath and Body Works package. Hint: There was nothing even fragrance adjacent. Nearly half of all Americans have had their package stolen at some point, security.org reported. As people order gifts online for this holiday season, most adults (88%) are worried …

There Are Instructions on the Cheese Package — Follow Them

When it comes to cohabitation, men and women can disagree about a lot of things. What they should agree on is how to properly open a package of cheese. Not only have I never lived with a romantic partner, but I’ve never had a roommate. I am an only child and my commitment to remaining …

‘They’re going to say I didn’t deliver’: Delivery driver has to chase dog who stole Prime package he just delivered

One UPS driver is showing that the mailman vs. dog can transcend TV tropes. Tre Welch (@juicecupboxx) is known on TikTok for posting content related to his job as a UPS driver. He often finds himself in showdowns with dogs while delivering packages. One encounter with a German Shepard, in particular, has drawn in 383,000 …

Woman Injured by Razor Blade in Her Anthropologie Package

In a now-viral video, a woman discovered a razor blade in her Anthropologie package when she sliced her finger. She wants support from the company. On TikTok, Adalyn Grace (@authoradalyngrace) said she cut herself on a rusted razor blade that was inside an Anthropologie package. Now, she’s putting out a warning call on social media …

‘I had to get a tetanus shot’: Woman issues PSA after finding something unusual in her Anthropologie package

Anthropologie has some explaining to do after a customer said she found a dangerous item in a package from the clothing store. In a viral TikTok video that has amassed over 1.9 million views as of Monday, author and content creator, Adalyn Grace (@authoradalyngrace), explained what happened in the aftermath of her discovering a blade …

‘This has never happened before’: Amazon employee cyberstalks customer using info on her package label

Amazon scams are plentiful and there many to look out for: Customers have reported receiving fake texts that say someone has their package or include a shady link. But one woman’s recent cyberstalking experience was more bizarre than a scam from a fake Amazon employee. In a TikTok posted by Jamie (@jamieandleo) earlier this week, …

‘I feel like I have been doing everything wrong my whole life’: Hack expert shares what the purpose of the Duracell battery package is

The next time you purchase batteries, before tearing through the package and dumping the batteries you don’t need into your junk drawer, you might want to consider a better option. That better option is showcased in a TikTok video by one of the platform’s most reliable fonts of knowledge, Jordan the Stallion (@jordan_the_stallion8). In the …

‘And that’s where you negotiate the exit package’: Marketer says co-worker was told to announce her layoff as a personal choice

A marketing worker claims a fellow employee was asked to lie about why they were leaving their company after getting laid off by management. In a viral video that has racked up over 324,000 views, TikTok user Kendall (@roilysm) told the “wild” layoff story. “So I had an ex-co-worker that got laid off recently, and …

‘I seriously can’t trust Vita Coco again’: Customer finds mold inside ‘shelf-stable’ coconut water package

There have been a number of shoppers complaining about finding mold inside the packaging of popular products they regularly purchase, like these Kirkland apple sauce squeezable containers. Now, a Vita Coco customer says that they’ve found mold after “unboxing” a cardboard packaging for the popular coconut water brand. Joan (@joan.er5) has uploaded a series of …