When her 5-year-old broke his leg, this mom raised $0. It's actually inspiring.

Freddie Teer is a normal boy. He loves Legos, skateboarding, and horsing around with his older brother Ollie. But in March 2017, his mother faced every parent’s worst nightmare. Photo via iStock. Freddie was doing tricks down the stairs of his front porch when he fell off his bike — and his bike fell on …

"Mewing" Is A Viral New Trend Among Students, And This 36-Year-Old Teacher Explained Why It's "Smug" And "Rude"

“For kids to be doing this every single day, over and over, to people who are just trying to give them an enriching educational experience, it pisses me off. And I don’t find it funny at all.” View Entire Post › Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/dannicaramirez/teacher-explains-mewing-trend

Mom shares idea for a Forever 41 for Millennials and people think it's brilliant

There’s something that happens after you reach a certain age. It’s almost like you’re back to being stuck in between the aisles of your favorite department store. You no longer feel comfortable in the juniors section of the store but the other side of the aisle can sometimes feel a bit too mature. If you’re …

A Canadian shelter sells older cats like used cars, and it's pretty effective … and hilarious.

These mustached Canadians decided to treat older shelter cats like used cars. Why? Because in a world where around 8 million pets enter shelters and only around 4 million get out, that’s a lot of sad math. In an attempt to stop that sad math, the kind folks from the Calgary Humane Society got creative. …

Only child asks her friends what it's like to grow up with siblings. They showed her instead.

Ahhh, siblings. Sometimes they’re your best friends and other times your living room turns into an MMA octagon over the remote control. If you grew up with brothers and sisters, it’s hard to imagine what it would be like to be an only child. (That’s not to say you didn’t dream about it when your …

Anne Hathaway can't sit in her glamorous fashion week outfit and it's hilarious

Anne Hathaway might have played fashion-oblivious Andrea Sachs in “Devil Wears Prada,” but nowadays, in real life (or at least on the red carpet) she’s more on the level of Miranda Priestley—turning heads at every event with showstopping looks. However, no matter how high her status as a fashion icon rises, the “Princess Diaries” actress …

Kids in 1966 shared their predictions for the year 2000 and it's fascinating to see now

The idea of predicting the future has been the subject of countless books, movies and televisions shows (and is basically the basis of all gambling). Outside of a few uncanny instances, no one can tell exactly what the future holds, especially for the world at large. But people sure love to predict it anyway. The …

Visual effects guy transforms himself into random objects and it's pure magic

Toronto-based animator and video wizard Kevin Parry has gone mega-viral for his mind-boggling collection of videos where he turns himself into random objects. In a series of quick clips he changes into everything from a pumpkin to a bright yellow banana and in most of the videos, he appears to suffer a ridiculous death. The …

Student flies 400 miles to college twice a week because it's cheaper than renting

Some students choose to live at home while they go to college to save money on living expenses, but that’s generally only an option for families who live in college towns or cities with large universities where a student can easily commute. For University of British Columbia student Tim Chen, that “easy commute” is more …