People Are Calling Out The Toxic Standards That Have Become "Normal" In The US, And It's Truly Dystopian

“It’s so normalized how expensive healthcare is, and it’s causing people to die or not seek treatment because they are worried about the costs. One broken arm later, and you’re $10,000 in debt.” View Entire Post › Source:

Artist transformed his apartment into an 'art museum' and now it's protected after his death

You move into an apartment and can’t wait to decorate it however you’d like but unfortunately you’re pretty limited on what you can do. Most apartments don’t approve anything that can’t be easily removed, some don’t even allow you to paint. One man in England decided that he was going to make his apartment his …

It's time to rethink the term 'geriatric pregnancy' as more women wait to have children

In more recent decades, women have started to delay having children or decide to not have them at all. Society has been taught that women must have children when they’re in their 20s because that’s when fertility is highest. Unfortunately it’s true that fertility declines as women age, but pregnancy is still possible up until …

People say clouds look different these days. It's not suspicious — it's climate change.

Have you noticed that clouds are looking a bit different than you remember them when you were younger? Less fluffy and more wispy? Fewer billowing clouds against a bold, blue sky and more washed out skies with see-through cloud patterns? There have always been different kinds of clouds, of course, but people are remarking that …

Couple retires to live on cruise ships because it's 'cheaper than a nursing home'

The cost of living in the United States has gone up so much in recent years that living on a cruise ship has become a reasonable idea for some retirees. When Nancy and Robert Houchens of Charlottesville, Virginia, retired, they decided to sell almost everything they had and live out their golden years hopping from …

What's up with Wyoming? Video explains why it's 'empty' compared to twin neighbor Colorado

Most states in the U.S. have oddly shaped boundaries, largely formed by meandering waterways and coastal irregularities. But two states stand out for their seemingly defiant rectangularness—Wyoming and Colorado. These almost-twin states share a border, are almost exactly the same size (Colorado is just 1.06 times larger than Wyoming), boast basically the same shape and …

Father has 'unique' idea to give his name to daughter, but mom says it's the 'worst ever'

Some parents have no trouble giving their children perfectly unique, very meaningful names that won’t go on to ruin their adulthood. But others…well…they get an A for effort, but might want to consider hiring a baby name professional. Things of course get even more complicated when one parent becomes attached to a name that they’re …