Neighbor Floods New Homeowners With Anonymous Complaints, But They Stand Their Ground And Let The Grass Grow Freely

Navigating the quirks of a new neighborhood can be quite the chore, especially when nosy neighbors poke their nose where it doesn’t belong. In this story, anonymous letters started showing up at these new homeowners’ door regarding their lawn care. Refusing to be intimidated, they found a way to fight back and come out on …

Avocado farmer explains secret why you can't grow Hass avocado trees from Hass seeds

Have you ever seen anyone put an avocado pit in water to grow an avocado tree? I’ve seen lots of people try, but only a few succeed. My mom has a tiny avocado tree growing in her living room that she managed to grow from the pit of a Hass avocado she ate. It’s small …

New Studies Reveal Surprising Motivations For Why Men Grow Facial Hair

It might seem like facial hair on men is part of a trend, or that a certain “type” of guy tends toward it more than another, but is that true? What this recent study found about the motivations behind growing a beard might surprise you, though. The researchers found that having a beard could correlate …

Physically Disabled Homeowner Has Neighbors Who Are Downright Rude, So He Decided To Let His Garden Grow Wild And Annoy Them

Another day, another Reddit story about neighbors who just can’t get along. Will it ever end?!?! No, it won’t, and that’s why we’ve gathered here today! Read the story below and see what you think. “I (37f) and my fiancée (41f) moved into a mid-terrace house a few years ago. I’m physically disabled, and since …

His Neighbor Refused To Take Care Of The Lawn On The Property Between Their Fences, So He Figured He’d Just Let It Grow Wild

Taking care of your lawn is important for keeping your neighborhood looking nice. What happens if your neighbor refuses to mow a section of their grass and demands that you do it instead? That is what the man in this story is dealing with. Let’s take a look! When we purchased our home in Aug …

When Her Brother’s Wife Left Him, She Picked Her Former Sister-In-Law And Told Her Brother To Grow Up

Sometimes we can all use a little tough love. But what happens when that tough love is spurred on by a nasty divorce – and the bearer of bad news doesn’t take their family’s side? That’s the gist of this story from Reddit. And I bet more than a few people can relate. My brother …

She Was Envious Of Her Successful Sister, So Her Mother Lashed Out And Told Her To Grow Up

Siblings can be polar opposites, and that isn’t a problem early on. But later, things can get rough when one achieves more than the other. Find out how these sisters got envious of each other over different life choices. And how their mom tried to set them straight. My daughter is 24 (Kelly) and my …

Avocado farmer explains secret why you can't grow Hass avocado trees from Hass seeds

Have you ever seen anyone put an avocado pit in water to grow an avocado tree? I’ve seen lots of people try, but only a few succeed. My mom has a tiny avocado tree growing in her living room that she managed to grow from the pit of a Hass avocado she ate. It’s small …

Their Neighbor Didn’t Like the Way They Cut Their Lawn. So, They Let It Grow Long For Months Just To Prove A Point

Man, talk about not being able to mind your own business… Also, why are people so obsessed with OTHER PEOPLES’ lawns? You see it over and over again… But we think this person handled this situation pretty well! Let’s see what happened… “I moved into my house around the same time as my next door …

Only child asks her friends what it's like to grow up with siblings. They showed her instead.

Ahhh, siblings. Sometimes they’re your best friends and other times your living room turns into an MMA octagon over the remote control. If you grew up with brothers and sisters, it’s hard to imagine what it would be like to be an only child. (That’s not to say you didn’t dream about it when your …

She Wanted To Grow Her Hair, But Her Boss Asked Her To Chop Her Hair. So She Got The Ugliest Haircut They’d Ever Seen In Protest.

We know people in the army need special haircuts and that makes sense but have you ever heard of an employee being asked to cut their hair because that’s apparently a requirement for the job? Well yes that happens in the food industry but there are ways around it. The woman in this story had …

She Got Upset After Her Young Cousin Blew Out Her Birthday Candles, So Her Family Called Her A Brat And Thinks She Should Grow Up

For many people, birthdays are a fun celebration each year where they get to enjoy everyone’s attention being focused on them. While there is nothing wrong with wanting your birthday party to be all about you, the 23-year-old girl in this story might have taken it a bit far. That being said, however, the dad …