Heart Attack Deaths Fell for Americans Over Past 20 Years

By Cara Murez  HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Feb. 23, 2023 (HealthDay News) — The United States saw a significant decline in the overall rate of heart attack-related deaths over the past 20 years, and the gap in the rate of heart attack deaths between white people and Black people narrowed by nearly half. “It’s good news,” …

‘Hopefully they don’t make me finish my route’: Amazon delivery driver says he fell into customer’s septic tank

A lot can happen while making a delivery for Amazon. A driver can be caught in traffic, they can be expected to carry heavy items—or, in the case of TikTok user Charles (@dovahkiin0103), they can even accidentally fall into a customer’s septic tank. In a video with over 6.7 million views, Charles claims that he …