‘Same as the old boss’: Customers of far-right web host Epik think company sale is a ploy to avoid paying them back

Epik, a popular domain registrar and web host for the far-right, has been sold, although it’s unclear to who. The sale comes on the heels of years of problems, including getting hacked, struggling to pay its debts, and getting sued for allegedly embezzling client funds. Its corporate Twitter also recently publicly complained about founder and …

Far-right domain hosting service Epik sued for embezzling client funds

A domain registrar popular with far-right extremists is being sued for embezzling a client’s funds as part of “a widespread and illegal fraudulent scheme” that’s been going on for years. Epik’s monetary struggles and customer accusations against it were first reported by the Daily Dot. Michael Adkisson claims that he contacted Epik to purchase the …

Epik, the far-right’s favorite hosting service, is now keeping Kiwi Farms alive

Kiwi Farms, the notorious message board known for doxing, threats, and hate speech, has been back online for several months after a much-publicized campaign to remove it from the internet initially succeeded. The protest pressured Cloudflare, a major content delivery and DDoS mitigation company, to drop the website from its services. After a series of …

The far-right hosting platform Epik can’t pay any of its users right now

For several weeks, users on NamePros, an online community for domain name investors, have been up in arms about their inability to withdraw funds from Masterbucks. Masterbucks is a payment platform operated by Epik, the controversial domain name provider and web host whose customers include social media sites like Parler and Gab as well as …

Epik High Will Always And Forever Navigate What’s Here

OURS Co “You know, when we took that picture in Brooklyn, some guys were driving by, and just when we were about to take it, those guys rolled down their window and said ‘Hey! Are you the Teriyaki Boyz?!’” Tablo, the frontman of Epik High, shares. He is pointing at the framed Map The Soul …