De-influencing to combat overconsumption is booming on TikTok

De-influencing, or the practice of telling viewers what *not* to buy rather than what they should be buying, took over TikTok earlier this year. In addition to helping TikTokers sift through the barrage of product recommendations they scroll past on a daily basis, de-influencing can also aid in quelling one of TikTok’s largest issues: overconsumption, …

Teen creates a website for his friends to deliver groceries to seniors. And business is booming.

This article originally appeared on 03.26.20 The elderly have the most to worry about during the COVID-19 pandemic. If infected by the virus they have the highest mortality rate. So, obviously, they have a big reason to stay home and practice social distancing during the crisis. Teenagers have a much lower risk of dying from …

Woman rents out her 'handy' husband for $45 an hour and business is booming

It’s wonderful to have a spouse who’s handy. Every homeowner knows that there’s always something that needs to be fixed or replaced. Having a handy spouse makes it a lot easier to get things done while saving the family a whole lot of money. Laura Young took things a step further and is using her …

Guy creates a booming business buying pizzas from Walmart then selling them on DoorDash

Sometimes you have an idea so crazy that you convince yourself that it’s crazy enough to be brilliant. Before you know it you’re online at 2 a.m. ordering a ridiculous amount of supplies to start your innovative but half-baked new venture. If you’ve never experienced the late-night dopamine rush of planning out a side hustle …