All NFL Players Stood For The National Anthem This Weekend To Make Powerful Point

Players all agreed to suspend the protest for one day.

In honor of Veterans Day on Saturday, the NFL Players Association voted unanimously to hold a moment of silence during Sunday’s games.

As a result, the long-standing protest against racial inequality and police brutality was largely suspended over the Veterans Day weekend, with only three players kneeling before games.

Even Titans receiver Rishard Matthews, who previously had participated in the protests, walked on field holding hands with soldiers and .

The moment of silence was part of a larger #SalutetoService campaign by the NFL to show their support for the military after many had accused protesting players of criticism of our servicemembers.

To show their support, the NFL invited members of the military to join players on the field.

It was also a time to honor fallen heroes.

While some felt the move was just a stunt…

Others were grateful for the gesture of support for the military.

Right wing organizations have called for a boycott of the NFL over players’ protests. Despite the threats, NFL attendance actually over this weekend.

H/T: The Hill

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Weatherman's Easy Life Hack For Defrosting Your Car Windows Re-Emerges Online

Part of the survival kit.

A Tennessee weatherman has become an internet hero with his foolproof method for melting winter frost from your car windows. WATE 6 News’ Ken Weathers (yup, that’s his name!) has concocted a solution that will get rid of frost and ice in an instant.

Weathers made a step-by-step video tutorial:

Are you taking notes?

Because winter is almost upon us…

The 2016 video has been viewed more than six million times, and the simple life hack even made it to the popular website TipHero. According to Weathers, all you need is two parts rubbing alcohol and one part water mixed in a spray bottle. MAGIC!

Got your rubbing alcohol handy?

Thanks again for the timely reminder, Ken! Now kick that ice to the curb and be careful out there, people.

H/T: Indy100, Twitter

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Matthew McConaughey Spent His Birthday Surprising Strangers With Frozen Turkeys

Matthew McConaughey is a proud Texan and is known to do some pretty cool things for people in his native state. 

Like when he surprised University of Texas students in November, 2016, by picking them up and ensuring they got back to their dorm rooms and cars safely as part of the school’s SURE campaign.

There must be something special about the month of November and McConaughey that puts the actor in a very giving mood. Because he decided to spend his 48th birthday bringing that same Texas hospitality to Kentucky, where he surprised 4,500 families with Thanksgiving turkeys.

Thankfully, the Lincoln Lawyer star documented it live on his Facebook page.

The giveaway is part of McConaughey’s Brand Ambassador role with Wild Turkey Bourbon, which is distilled near Lawrenceburg, Kentucky (where McConaughey gave away the frozen Thanksgiving birds).

People were in love with the actor’s kind gesture.

Others thought it was a cool way for the Bourbon manufacturer to give back to the town.

While others were just wishing they had a turkey delivered by the man himself to their home.

Even though the act can definitely be viewed as PR for Wild Turkey, it’s definitely cool that the actor decided to spend his own birthday handing out so many free turkeys to people by hand.

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Twitter Users Are Mishearing Something Very NSFW In New Paddington Bear Commercial

OK, I want you to watch this adorable Paddington Bear ad with the sound on and tell me what you hear.

UK retailer, M&S has a long line of adorable Christmas advertisements, this one features everyone’s favorite children’s book protagonist Paddington bear, who mistakes a burglar for Santa Claus and then goes around town giving away his “gifts.” Then the burglar hugs the bear and, if you ask me, says, “F*** you little bear.”

Which is understandable and makes total sense because he just got all of his loot stolen from a magically adorable tiny bear. You’d still want to hug the little guy if you saw him in real life, but he just went and undid all of your thievery, so you’ll harbor some resentment as a result.

And if you swear up and down (like me) that the burglar cursed at the bear, then you’re not alone.

Now, the M&S peeps who created the commercial clarified that the burglar is saying, “Thank you, Little Bear,” and not the bit of vulgarity that we all heard.

And although I still maintain I heard what I heard, there are some people who just enjoyed the advertisement for the cute, heartwarming short film that it is.

But c’mon guys, he’s totally saying “f*** you, little bear.”

Here’s the commercial in its entirety, in case you want to get in the Christmas spirit before Thanksgiving’s even here.

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'Honest' Juice Commercial Destroys Liquid Fasts And Food Detox Programs

I love juice, the more expensive and cold-pressed, the better. Throw a bunch of stuff in it, Kale, Ginger, Tumeric, wheat grass, pineapples, cauliflower, I don’t care. I’ll slam it back and only feel slightly guilty when I realized I just dropped $11 on something I guzzled down in about a minute.

And I’m sure that a lot of my love for juices, especially ones that tastes like I just licked a freshly-mowed lawn. But I also realize that the claims of juice cleanses “purifying” your body of toxins is completely false.

Sorry juice brigade people. There’s no scientific evidence that proves juice cleanses will all of a sudden rid your body of impurities. Will you lose some weight? Probably, but that’s only because you’re rocking a mostly liquid diet and will more than likely be consuming fewer calories.

The folks over at made this hilarious video about the bogus health effects of juice cleanses. It’s an “honest” advertisement that might make juice cleanse devotees a little upset.

“I’m sure you’ve heard about us, we’ve placed sponsored ads all over your social media feeds, and pay celebrities to post pictures of themselves enjoying our product.”

If you’re still convinced that “detoxes” work, here’s why you’re wrong.

No human being needs to detox unless they’ve been actually poisoned by something – we’ve got our liver and our kidneys to do that. Ranit Mishori of Georgetown University Medical Center has spent a good amount of his career researching the “science” behind juice cleanses, and isn’t convinced they work.

The idea of juice cleansing was conjured up in the 1940s by Stanley Burroughs, who encouraged people to drink lemon water with cayenne pepper flavored with maple syrup and taking a laxative before bed. Sounds healthy.

Also, when you juice fruits and vegetables, you’re taking away the best part of the produce: it’s fiber. It’s those fibers that help you feel full. Juices are also very, very high in sugar, so replacing all of your diet with sugars, getting rid of fiber, and having almost zero protein is a recipe for disaster. You might lose weight, but you’re losing muscle mass, so the number on the scale might ultimately be lower, but you’re not going to look better, and will probably feel a lot worse after prolonged periods of time.

Plus, going on any trend or extreme diet isn’t really a recipe for sustained success. There’s a reason why more than half of the patients at a New York eating-disorder clinic have admitted to trying juice cleanses, it’s because that kind of diet promotes the harmful “all or nothing” eating trend that’s so difficult to maintain.

So you can enjoy your cold-pressed juices, but don’t think that drinking juice and nothing but juice will do anything for your health except, you know, destroy it. Just ask Steve Jobs how his all-fruit diet worked out for him

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Elton John Just Sang Live To Celebrate The 20th Anniversary Of 'The Lion King' On Broadway

Believe it or not, the Broadway version of Disney’s The Lion King has been running for 20 years. It’s Broadway’s third longest-running show, with over 8,310 performances. And with over $1 billion in sales, it’s the highest-grossing show in history. 

The Lion King debuted at the Orpheum Theatre in Minneapolis on July 8, 1997, but didn’t officially launch until Nov. 13, 1997 at the New Amsterdam Theater. It’s gone on to win six Tony Awards, including Best Musical, and eight Drama Desk Awards 

And to celebrate the show’s 20th anniversary, Disney managed to get Elton John to perform Circle of Life for a lucky audience at The Minskoff Theatre on Sunday. 

It’s fair to say that people enjoyed the performance…

Here’s to 20 more years.

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