Matthew McConaughey Spent His Birthday Surprising Strangers With Frozen Turkeys

Matthew McConaughey is a proud Texan and is known to do some pretty cool things for people in his native state. 

Like when he surprised University of Texas students in November, 2016, by picking them up and ensuring they got back to their dorm rooms and cars safely as part of the school’s SURE campaign.

There must be something special about the month of November and McConaughey that puts the actor in a very giving mood. Because he decided to spend his 48th birthday bringing that same Texas hospitality to Kentucky, where he surprised 4,500 families with Thanksgiving turkeys.

Thankfully, the Lincoln Lawyer star documented it live on his Facebook page.

The giveaway is part of McConaughey’s Brand Ambassador role with Wild Turkey Bourbon, which is distilled near Lawrenceburg, Kentucky (where McConaughey gave away the frozen Thanksgiving birds).

People were in love with the actor’s kind gesture.

Others thought it was a cool way for the Bourbon manufacturer to give back to the town.

While others were just wishing they had a turkey delivered by the man himself to their home.

Even though the act can definitely be viewed as PR for Wild Turkey, it’s definitely cool that the actor decided to spend his own birthday handing out so many free turkeys to people by hand.

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