Listen, I love my dogs as much as the next person. I do what I can to give them the care and attention they require, but I’m also going to be the first one to admit that, after I had children, the dogs dropped a few spots in the pecking order.

It seems as if OP is yet to learn this lesson, since his baby is still gestating, but based on this story I think he’s got some ducks to get back in line before it’s born.

He begins the story by saying that his high-intensity dog has become an escape artist, and he spends hours every week chasing it down and bringing it home. He has tried one alteration to his fence, but has yet to solve the issue.

My fiance (28f) is currently 5 months pregnant and has been both fatigued and nauseous lately. I get why she didn’t want to help me look for the dog but I can’t get over the lack of empathy and bordering selfish behavior of this either.

My dog (6yo Heeler/Corgi mix) runs off at least once a week. Usually my fiance will help me find her but it’s not without protest.

I honestly didn’t even know how she was getting out of our fenced yard so I installed cameras and found that she was scaling the 8ft fence.

I ended up attaching “spinners” to the top of the fence thinking that would solve the issue but it didn’t.

Recently, it escaped again during the “two minutes” he went inside to grab his phone.

I brought her out today and was playing with her when my phone rang. I was inside just long enough to grab my phone and my dog had gotten out. I immediately went in search for her, thinking she couldn’t have gotten far but I couldn’t find her anywhere so I went back to the house and asked my fiance, who was curled up on the sofa, to come help me.

He wanted his pregnant fiancee (who has been tired and sick) to help chase the dog. Previously she has done it after voicing complaints, but this time, she flat-out said no and that it’s not her problem.

She immediately said no. She said she was tired of chasing the dog, that she isn’t dealing with it anymore and that I should have been out there watching her. I explained to her that I had been watching her and simply stepped away for point two seconds to grab my phone just inside the sliding door and she had escaped. She again said it wasn’t her problem and she’s not exhausting herself anymore to search for my dog. I won’t even say it was unexpected because as I said, in the past she has always had a problem with helping me search but she’s never said no. She just complained about it.

At first I went and searched myself. After maybe a half hour I came back and asked her again to come help me and she snapped “I said no! I am so tired of chasing that dog around multiple times a week when I’m already exhausted and throwing up constantly.”

Which is when OP decided to scream obscenities at her and insult her to within an inch of her life.

I was panicked and unleashed some yelling, which involved me telling her she was a b*%ch who lacked empathy and that I was thoroughly disappointed with my decision to be with someone so heartless.

It was out of pure fear and panic on my part and I did apologize later, after I found my dog, but she said “Go f**k yourself” and won’t talk to me. AITA?

She’s not speaking to him. He claims his family is on his side, except for one sister who said she would have left him already.

Everyone is on my side except my sister, who says I’m a “f**king prick” because it’s not my pregnant fiance’s responsibility to “chase around your f**king mutt” and said she would have left immediately if her BF ever said what I did to her.

He’s asking Reddit for their opinions, but I’m not sure he’s really prepared…

The top comment says that if this happens often, it’s no longer an emergency and he can’t expect her to help.

Image Credit: Reddit

This person (and many others) say OP needs to try harder to fix the actual problem.

Screen Shot 2023 03 31 at 10.26.10 PM Is This Guys Pregnant Fiancee Really Awful For Not Helping Chase The Dog?

Image Credit: Reddit

And this comment worries how he’s going to handle things when a baby is involved.

Screen Shot 2023 03 31 at 10.26.43 PM Is This Guys Pregnant Fiancee Really Awful For Not Helping Chase The Dog?

Image Credit: Reddit

This commenter totally agrees…with OP’s sister.

Screen Shot 2023 03 31 at 10.27.10 PM Is This Guys Pregnant Fiancee Really Awful For Not Helping Chase The Dog?

Image Credit: Reddit

They think the fiancee has already gone above and beyond, honestly.

Screen Shot 2023 03 31 at 10.27.40 PM Is This Guys Pregnant Fiancee Really Awful For Not Helping Chase The Dog?

Image Credit: Reddit

Yeah, he’ll be lucky as heck if she hasn’t already moved out with his kid.

Hopefully he can figure out how to keep the dog safe at least.

twistedsifter on facebook Is This Guys Pregnant Fiancee Really Awful For Not Helping Chase The Dog?
