'Atomic Heart'

Source: Mundfish

Anthony Jones - Author

One of the worst things PC players can encounter during a crazy fight sequence in an FPS game is annoying screen tears and frame dips. Without a doubt, those technical blemishes yank players out of the entire experience, leading them to click through the game’s Settings to find a remedy.

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Unfortunately, Atomic Heart is one of those games for some players, making adrenaline-pumping battles look sloppy. An option like VSync would help limit the unruly performance, but it appears the feature is not selectable, according to Steam and Xbox Game Pass players.

The bizarre situation has led many to wonder how to turn on VSync in Atomic Heart. We have a few solutions that both sides can try for different kinds of graphics cards. Here’s a breakdown of everything you need to know.

'Atomic Heart'

Source: Mundfish

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You can turn on VSync in ‘Atomic Heart’ by enabling DLSS Frame Generation.

Oddly enough, enabling DLSS Frame Generation through the Settings menu actually turns on VSync in Atomic Heart. Even if your current graphics card doesn’t support DLSS Frame Generation, you can use this feature, which makes the VSync option available.

“I enabled DLSS Frame Generation…when it prompted me to restart, I hit yes, then had to manually start the game again,” stated one player on Reddit in response to another asking how to enable VSync. “When it loaded back up, VSync is now on, and DLSS Frame Generation is still disabled.”

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'Atomic Heart'

Source: Mundfish

To do this, head to the “Quality” tab in the Settings menu, where you can select DLSS Frame Generation below Anti-Aliasing. Once turned on, apply your changes, and then restart Atomic Heart. When you return, the VSync option should function as intended, letting you swap between “on” and “off” at your leisure.

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Through the Nvidia Control Panel or Adrenaline App, you could also turn on VSync for ‘Atomic Heart.’

For other options outside of Atomic Heart, Nvidia and AMD graphics card owners can utilize specific apps made by the developers.

For instance, Nvidia graphics card users can enable VSync for Atomic Heart with the Nvidia Control Panel under the “3D Settings.” There, turn on “Global Vertical Synchronization” for all games.

AMD owners can do the same through the Adrenaline App under the “Global Settings,” where they can switch on VSync for all of the games on their PC.

If you’re still struggling after trying these options, Mundfish has recently notified fans on Twitter that they will add FOV options and possibly more in a near future update, meaning we could see a fix for VSync and how it’s enabled.

Source: https://www.distractify.com/p/how-to-turn-on-vsync-atomic-heart