
“My cousin bought his first house in the early 2000s. After my freshman year of college, I ended up moving in with him for a month until I could find my own apartment. My cousin sold the house in 2005, and moved out of the area. Fast forward to 2008, and my best friend and his wife bought their first house. It was the same house my cousin had bought. When I pulled up to help him move in, I was like, waittttt a minute…… Relatively decent-sized coincidence, but hey, weird things happen. But wait, there’s more.”

“After about five years of owning that house, they sold the house to another couple.

In 2014, I started dating a new girl, and she sent me a Snapchat when she was sitting on the deck of the house she was living in. The view looked very familiar, and so I asked her about the house.

Turns out, she was renting a room from the couple that bought the house from my best friend.

Mind you, the city I live in has about 125k residents, and the metro area is about 200k, so this wasn’t just some small town coincidence that happened ‘cuz there were only 10 houses in the town.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/meganeliscomb/unexplained-experiences