Young Couple Shares Warning After Returning From Caribbean Vacation With Parasitic Hookworms

A young Canadian couple, Katie Stephens and Eddie Zytner, recently returned from a relaxing Caribbean vacation to find that they both had very itchy feet.

They went to two different doctors, but neither was able to diagnose them. Finally, a third doctor figured out what was wrong: They both had parasitic hookworms called cutaneous larva migrans.

Once Katie and Eddie were diagnosed, they turned to Facebook to warn others about the dangers lurking on the beach.

Katie wrote:

To anybody traveling somewhere tropical, please be careful when in the sand and wear shoes! My boyfriend and I recently got back from Punta Cana to discover that we both have larva migrans, in other terms worms in our feet.

If your feet become incredibly itchy please get it checked out right away since we simply thought it was just bug bites and it became worse as each day passed.

Some readers may find the following photos emotionally upsetting. If you do not wish to see evidence of parasites, please click back to the LittleThings homepage.

Photos: Facebook 1, 2 / Katie Stephens

[H/T: Daily Mail]

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