
“When I was about 6 and my sister was maybe 8, we saw this commercial for Power Dog Pizza. It was such a cool commercial. Some cool dog doing flips on his skateboard or whatever. So when we saw it in the freezer section of the grocery store we BEGGED my mom to buy it for dinner that night. She told us it wouldn’t be very good and that commercials just try to convince you to buy stuff, but we didn’t listen and eventually she relented. We got home, made our little pizzas in the oven and sat down to eat. It was literally the grossest pizza I’ve ever had in my life.”

“It’s a running joke in our family whenever somebody wants something because they heard it was good. Also, whenever someone doesn’t listen to my mom.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/briangalindo/worst-purchases-people-have-ever-made