
“It was awful. My ex was all about attention on himself. I had driven hours to watch him perform at a college basketball event. I almost didn’t go, but I got a lot of pressure from his sister to go watch him. It was a big crowd, and his family was all there. When the performance took a shift and I realized what was happening, I was so ready to bolt. I knew I was being filmed and everyone was watching. It was one of the worst moments of stage fright in my life. In hindsight, I should’ve realized that my feelings were not important to him and took that as a sign as to how the future would be with him.

Later on, my family asked why I didn’t tell them how the proposal happened and I admitted it was because I was so embarrassed by the whole ordeal that I didn’t want to tell anyone. Anyway, he’s about to marry the woman he cheated on me with. And I have no doubt it’ll be just as much of a ‘look at me’ kind of event he loves. Oh, and the person who took and posted that awful public proposal video won’t take it down because it’s ‘their most liked video ever.’ 🤦🏻‍♀️”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/mollycapobianco/women-share-worst-public-proposals