Women Lose Almost 9 Days Of Productivity Every Year Because Of Period Pain, Study Finds

Periods are the worst, and they can absolutely affect your ability to work. Anyone who actually listens to women/people with periods should know this already. But in case you had any doubt, there’s now a scientific study on the subject.

Researchers surveyed over 32,000 women in the Netherlands in 2017. They found that one in seven women, or 14 percent, of the women had to take off from work or school during their period. Moreover, 81% of the women said they’d been less productive because of period pain and other menstrual symptoms.

“Women said that they weren’t as productive as they could be while at work — they needed to go to the toilet every hour or they had a headache and couldn’t concentrate,” explained Theodoor Nieboer, an author of the study and a gynecologist at the Radboud University Medical Center.

In total, this productivity loss added up to 8.9 days per year.

Maybe employers should start adding “period leave” to their benefit packages?!

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/period-pain-productivity-loss-study/