
“He was a successful and ambitious older man, and he taught me everything I know that brought me success in life. I was never in love with him, but I appreciated the financial stability. But I didn’t sit around and shop all day; our relationship was more intellectually based, and I spent over a decade learning everything I could about business from him. He also taught me discipline and exceptional organizational skills, and he instilled a strong work ethic in me. Then, one day, he left me and our kids for a younger woman who did enjoy shopping all day (his admission, not mine). It was my biggest nightmare, yet what needed to happen in life to exit from what I didn’t realize was an unhappy situation.”

“Years later, I am making seven figures as an executive and in a stable, loving relationship. Life turned out more than okay. But honestly, I could not have secured my own financial stability if it were not for learning all that I did from my ex-husband. 

I still hear his voice in my head advising me. We are somewhat friends today; he is even more successful than when we were together due to the work he let me contribute during our marriage, and he is still with the AP, though the relationship was and still is fraught with control issues and drag down fights, and for a while, ended up with him calling me to help him end that relationship. I hope for the best for him.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/ravenishak/financial-security-over-love