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One woman took to TikTok to share a social media marketing position that paid $300 a week, calling it “the most offensive offer ever.”

Kelly Corbett - Author

As the old saying goes, “Know your worth then add change.” This is a great mindset to have when dating, but also when searching for jobs. If you get a salary offer that’s way below your ballpark range, speak up for yourself.

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Well, that’s exactly what one TikTok user did after a company presented a salary to her that was far below the average pay for that type of work.

female office employee feeling bored, unhappy and burnout while working overtime at night in office

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Woman slams company after offering her $300 a week for a social media marketing position.

TikTok user Katarina (@katarinaterentieva) took to the platform to share a job offer she received via email for a social media marketing position for $300 a week, claiming it was “the most offensive job offer I’ve ever received.”

“$300 a week to do all this,” Katarina said as she shared the lengthy email she outlining the position. “What reality is this company living in?”

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Katarina, who lives in Atlanta, Ga., claimed that the email asked her if she had a car. She was also asked to provide some social media strategies upfront, which seemed like a red flag considering that she wasn’t an employee.

That said, Katarina wrote the company back to withdraw her candidacy and explained how out-of-touch the pay was for such a demanding position. She informed the company that she was applying for jobs with a salary range of $80,000 to $120,000 and that $300 a week was not a livable wage, citing that the average apartment rent in the area was $1,752.

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In the comment section, users felt Katarina’s pain. Assuming that the job was a typical 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. position Monday through Friday, she would only be making $7.50 an hour.

Replying to a user about the hourly rate, Katarina wrote “McDonald’s is paying $13.”

tiktok comment
Source: tiktok

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Others shared similar stories of being offered positions for next-to-nothing payment. “I had a guy that wanted me to make him 20 [TikTok] videos for $200,” wrote one user.

Another chimed in: “Yup … same boat here. I was offered part-time (20 hours a week) for $13k a year … that is $12.50 an hour. Oh and here’s the kicker, it involved travel.”

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tiktok comment
Source: tiktok

One user even said that they previously worked in Philadelphia, Pa., for $300 per week and their boss wasn’t understanding when they claimed they didn’t have enough money to eat.
