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The internet is irate after influencer Ali Tate started creating videos with her grandma, who chose to be euthanized. Here’s what to know.

Kelly Corbett - Author

If you knew a loved one of yours would be passing soon, what would you do? Well, one influencer’s choice to create content about it for social media has sent the internet into a tizzy.

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camera with microphone on the tripod ready for the video recording in the living room.
Source: Getty Images

Ali Tate began making videos with her grandmother, who has opted for euthanasia after receiving a terminal diagnosis.

A Twitter user named Evie Solheim shared the following tweet on May 21, 2023:

“Y’all there is an Instagram influencer making cutesy videos about her grandma choosing MAiD (assisted suicide). I might throw my phone out the window,” she wrote.

Who Evie was referring to was an influencer Ali Tate, who became Victoria’s Secret’s first plus-size model in 2020.

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In one of her videos, Ali and her grandma play dress-up prior to what will be their last dinner together. Ali explains that after her grandma received a terminal diagnosis, she chose euthanasia — which is the practice of intentionally ending a life to eliminate pain and suffering.

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In another video about her grandma, Ali interviews her about her decision to choose euthanasia.

“What are your thoughts as you move closer to the date?” Ali asks.

Her grandma responds: “It’s like the light at the end of the tunnel.”

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Ali’s videos elicited strong remarks from folks on the internet. “Cannot imagine making content about this instead of … idk … sobbing?” wrote one user.

Another opined: “Agreed. How loathsome to view end-of-life issues as something perky and cute.”

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However, not all users thought Ali was insensitive for creating these videos.

“The videos aren’t happy and I highly doubt it’s all just for views. I watched the videos and the grandma doesn’t look upset as she’s giving advice to the younger generation or answering comments about her terminal cancer and her choice of death,” one person wrote.

Another user wrote: “This is really cute actually.”

So, what do you think of Ali’s videos? Were they appropriate?
