Woman Blasts Friend for Having Less Money than Her

“sounds like your generosity comes out a VERY hefty price”

Woman Won’t Be Friends with People Who Have Less Money than Her
Source: TikTok | @rosesdooley

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Kim says that while planning for the vacation she ended up sending her friend a few options for Airbnb stays and that they ended up settling on one that she ended up booking through her account. “I book it right away I didn’t really care what she had to say,” the TikToker states in her clip with dabs of cosmetics on her face.

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Source: TikTok | @rosesdooley

She then received a message from her pal who half-jokingly told her, immediately after she booked the accommodations that Kim was “stressing [her] out.” She added that she was “off put” by the comment because it could’ve been out of her price range, she speculated.

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However, Kim went on to say that her friend probably knew about the TikToker’s overly “generous” nature and that she was more than likely not expecting her to split the costs of the Airbnb, as she tends to “show love” by paying for dinners / meals.

She then added to her friend that she shouldn’t “even worry about it,” meaning the cost of the Airbnb, telling her that she will happily foot the bill for it. Kim added that she didn’t expect her friend to completely forego paying for any of the Airbnb, and that she would eventually come around and offer an amount that she could afford to pay for accommodations for their trip.

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woman wont be friends with people who have less money than her
Source: TikTok | @rosesdooley

Either that or her pal would offer to “get all the food and drinks” while they were on the trip, because she was, after all, footing the bill for the Airbnb. “She never brought it up again the partner never brought it up again,” Kim says.

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“It’s not really bothering me though until we get on the trip,” Kim says of her week long vacation with her friend and her partner, adding that the “Airbnb was expensive.”

She added that her final straw with her friend and partner was when they had their last dinner.

Kim said that while she “for sure” ordered more for the table than her and her partner did, combined, and she offered to just cover the cost of the entire meal, that she was pretty much doing that for the whole trip.

What really upset the TikToker was that when they were going out for drinks afterwards and the server went up to them to ask how they wanted to pay for their beverages, her friend said that they would all “split it.”

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woman wont be friends with people who have less money than her
Source: TikTok | @rosesdooley

That hit Kim the wrong way, especially considering that the couple didn’t put anything towards the Airbnb that they booked and that she ended up paying for the entirety of the dinner previously. For them to not even want to pay for her drinks, rubbed her the wrong way.

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“Ew, that is so tacky,” she said, before adding that she couldn’t even “imagine having somebody pay for the Airbnb for the entire trip then having them pay for a dinner, and then going out for drinks and being like oh let’s split it,” she says.

While Kim concedes that she “did wrong” by expecting the couple to at least try and give some money for the accommodations, or that she should’ve asked for a certain amount or said hey I’m gonna book this you guys can get a room somewhere else that’s nearby that you’d rather get, she says that she still couldn’t imagine being so petty as to have her pay for her own drink.

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woman wont be friends with people who have less money than her
Source: TikTok | @rosesdooley

Kim said that thinking back to previous outings she had with her friend, like the time she paid for her friend’s trip to Disneyland for her birthday, but then only receiving a well-wishing voice note in return for her own birthday, made her realize that she should only be friends with people who have as much money as she does.

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Towards the end of the diatribe she says that she makes “way deeper connections with people” that aren’t solely based off of money, but she adds that people should be expected to “carry their weight” and not have to worry about constantly mooching off of others whenever there’s an outing or experience.

She says that “maybe” this type of behavior is simply her “love language” and that if she’s spending her money someone else should “spend [their] f—- money” as well, and that people should be able to keep up with her spending habits and she “can’t” stay at a “Motel 8” with someone

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woman wont be friends with people who have less money than her
Source: TikTok | @rosesdooley

Numerous folks who responded to her story expressed that they thought Kim was certainly in the wrong for making her friend feel self conscious about not being able to afford an Airbnb and not considering the fact that maybe she doesn’t make as much money as she does or spend as much money on a vacation as she did.

Others thought that the takeaway Kim should’ve gotten from the trip wasn’t that she shouldn’t associate with people who make less money than she does, but that she should be better at communicating her intentions to the friends that she makes.

What do you think? Does Kim have a point? Or does the amount of money someone has in their bank account not stipulate whether or not you’re going to be friends with them?

Source: https://www.distractify.com/p/woman-wont-be-friends-less-money