Who Is Keanu Reeves’ Girlfriend Alexandra Grant? Romance Details

Some say that it’s a bad idea to mix business and pleasure, but Alexandra and Keanu are proving that idea wrong. Keanu published a book in 2011 called Ode to Happiness, a picture book geared toward grown-ups, and Alexandra was the illustrator. 

In 2016, Keanu had Alexandra serve as the illustrator for his next book: Shadows. The two then founded X Artists’ Books together in 2017, a publishing house for books that don’t exactly fit in with one particular genre. 

The internet is thrilled that Keanu has found love once again, and he’s receiving particular praise for dating someone who is age-appropriate. Alexandra is 46 years old, while Keanu is 55. 

The couple was spotted holding hands at a fashion show in June, and onlookers saw them enjoying a dinner together in early October, but this red carpet appearance is the first time Keanu has been public with someone since tragedy struck years ago.

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Source : https://www.distractify.com/p/keanu-reeves-girlfriend-alexandra-grant