Who is Demi Lovato Playing on ‘Will & Grace’? Here’s What We Know About Her Role

Why exactly would Demi and Taylor be feuding?

Back in 2016, the two singers did get into a public fight. Demi called Taylor out for staying silent about Dr. Luke during Kesha’s trial. Demi also told Glamour that she thought Taylor’s squad was essentially promoting unrealistic body image goals and that it wasn’t cool to go up against Katy Perry in a music video. Demi stated, “I don’t see anybody in any sort of squad that has a normal body. It’s kind of this false image of what people should look like. And what they should be like, and it’s not real.” And on Katy Perry: “And I think that having a song and video about tearing Katy Perry down, that’s not women’s empowerment.”

There’s also recent drama over Scooter Braun a Hollywood manager who oversees Ariana Grande, Justin Bieber, and now ownes Taylor Swift’s masters. Taylor wrote an open letter about Scooter Braun’s “incessant, manipulative bullying” back in June — Scooter is Demi’s manager, and Demi defended him, saying, “Please stop ‘dragging’ people or bullying them. There’s enough hate in this world as it is. Y’all can come after me all you want but I’m always gonna stay loyal to my team.”

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Source : https://www.distractify.com/p/demi-lovato-will-and-grace