Where to See Spectacular Holiday Lights

Plus, there’s also Luminosa! Festival of Lights taking place on Jungle Island through Jan. 8, where illuminated silk lanterns and colorful jellyfish take over 13 of the park’s 18 acres. Oh, and did we mention that there will be live music and performances by Chinese acrobats? 

If those activities sound a bit high-key for your taste, take a stroll down Miami Beach’s Lincoln Road Mall, where a massive menorah and 30-foot tree keep the holiday spirit afloat through the new year.


The new entertainment and retail space that just opened in Market East, Fashion District Philadelphia, is celebrating its first Christmas with a bang. Every single night until the new year, Fashion District Philadelphia will host a light show timed to music by The Philly POPS. But that’s not all: the space is also home to a 45-foot-tall floating tree, which makes it a definite must-see.

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Source : https://www.distractify.com/p/christmas-lights-near-me