When Child’s Voice Calls Out For Help, Firefighters Find 5-Year-Old Has Been Trapped In Chimney

A mischievous five-year-old Virginia boy recently wandered out of his third-story bedroom window and onto the roof of his house.

Emergency crews believe he leapt into the 20-foot-tall chimney, feet first, then gradually wiggled down to the bottom of the chimney located in the basement.

After the fire and EMS crew arrived, they heard the boy calling out for help as his younger sister plead for them to save him. For hours, he remained trapped in the 10×10 inch space.

Since he was all the way down at the bottom of the chimney, they decided it was best to start from the basement up instead of pulling him up through the top. This meant the crew had to completely dismantle the chimney “and basically work our way up to him like a puzzle.”

There have been many stories about people falling into/getting stuck in chimneys. In 2011 an 8-year-old boy from Utah tried climbing down a couple’s chimney to ask for a drink of water, but ended up getting stuck in their chimney for four hours. In 2015, construction workers were tearing down a cabin in Colorado when they discovered the body of Joshua Vernon Maddux, 18, who’d been missing for several years. Police believed he climbed down the cabin’s chimney and unintentionally became stuck.

In this case, thank God, the little boy was able to assist the fire crew in his own rescue throughout the tireless two-hour operation.

Footage provided by WTVR Richmond

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/boy-trapped-in-chimney/