ARBadThingsinWorld What Terrible Things Are Happening in the World Right Now That a Lot of People Don’t Know About?

Unfortunately, we live in a world that is filled with danger, corruption, sadness, and crime.

And, on top of all of that, the world is UNFAIR.

And even though these answers will bum you out, it’s important to know about the bad things going on in the world.

Check out what people had to say about this on AskReddit.

“LTAC (long term acute care) facilities.

Basically huge numbers of people that are brainde**d and live with a trach (breathing tube through a hole in their throat) and a feeding tube (through a hole in their abdomen) just sit in these human warehouses and rot away because their families won’t admit that they’re d**d.

Not uncommon for the very families insisting they be kept alive to never set foot inside the facility and see their “loved” one kept “alive” like someone plugged into the matrix.

I call these places “purgatory” because they aren’t quite d**d but they’re definitely not alive.”

“I’m Ethiopian and I can safely say that the whole Horn of Africa region is colossally screwed.

It’s extremely depressing, something I wouldn’t wish on any country.”

“Haiti is on the verge of collapse.

Gangs have pretty much completely taken over and human suffering is extreme.”

“Disabled people are losing their housing.

I am a caregiver and the number of people with life threatening disabilities that are being tossed out on to the street is staggering.

There is one shelter in my town that can handle people with life threatening illnesses and they are at capacity.”

“Nigeria’s stolen election should be a major story.

The world’s 4th most populous country, 3rd largest democracy having an election outright rigged in plain daylight should be a major story, but it’s not.

Especially since their new president has a criminal record in the US for drug trafficking and their new vice president used to be Boko Haram’s spokesperson.

Oh and they’re starting a new ethnic cleansing of the Christians in that country because too many of them are upset the election was rigged.

It’s fu**ed, and there isn’t any pressure on world leaders because Africa is treated as an afterthought.”

“The approaching phosphorous shortage.

It’s a central building block of life, we literally can’t exist without it. It’s a central ingredient in fertilizers and Industrial agriculture is burning through it at high speed even though it’s a finite resource.

Farmers tend to overuse it a lot too so we’re losing it at a higher rate than necessary by any means. I’ve seen it being compared to oil, but the problem is… there’s no alternative to it. So if nothing changes, we’ll run out of it in a few hundred years. I’ve even seen articles that said it could run out in our lifetime if we keep accelerating at this rate.

And then what? Once we’re at that point, there’s nothing left to do. There could be ways to recycle it from our waste, but I see precious little discussion about the topic and even less being done.

I’m not an expert and only know this from articles and documentaries but I think about it often because I don’t understand how it’s not a huge topic for all of us.”

“Slavery hasn’t gone anywhere.

In fact, there are probably products in all of our homes that were produced by forced labor.”

“Profit over people.

Governments, food industry, health care, education, banks, social media, slave labor, trafficking, etc.

It’s all about making money over what’s good for society.”

“North Korea post Covid famine.

It’s just gotten worse in that country and has become a larger deeper black hole that no one can see into.”

“The rapid man made collapse of ecosystems that provide everything we eat and drink.

In the past 50 years we lost 70% of the vertebrate populations worldwide; with insects (i. e. pollinators) the decline is even more grim.”

“Billionaire elites investing ludicrous amounts of money into funding AI & robotics research so they can replace the working class to let them rot, while never having to pay anyone except themselves and live like gods.

Some of the first completely AI run restaurants went live not long ago and it’s not like food got cheaper since they didn’t have to pay workers.”

