At the same time, there’s a meanness in some of the conversations around young girls and tweens at Sephora that I find worrying. I definitely empathize with store employees who vent frustrations about kids making a mess, but when it comes to viral posts like this woman’s call to “normalize being mean” to little girls at Sephora, I feel like a lot of us are forgetting what it feels like to be that age.

If I could turn back time and be eleven years old again, I absolutely would not do it. My tween years were marked by big insecurities, especially around the way I looked, and I really struggled with feeling like I could never, ever fit in. 

Through adult eyes, those struggles can seem small and trivial now, but in my adolescent brain, they were enormous and all-consuming. Plus, my awkward and emotional adolescence was far from unique. You probably remember similar feelings and worries from when you were that age.
