Chris: I think any of these establishments are capable of coming in at #1 on the right day, with the right batch of fresh fries. That said, the top five are in a tier of their own and deserve to be respected as such. 

Krista: This little experiment proves what we have all known all along: Fries really need to be fresh — and I think this shows which places need to work on making sure their customers always get a fresh batch! That being said, I keep randomly thinking about Popeyes fries. In my head, I’ll be like, Yes, you loved them. Go get some NOW. Then 10 minutes later, I’m like, No, they really weren’t good; they tasted like chicken. So, I think I have french fry fog in my brain. It was too much, and my car still smells like a cherry air freshener mixed with stale fries. 

*Also, Taco Bell was not selling their fries — we did try to include them.*
