If you have a teen in your life, you may be filled with stress about getting them something for the holidays that they actually want. While you could just ask them, anyone who actually spends any time around teenagers knows that direct communication can be a skill that comes to them later in life (that is, if it ever comes at all).

To help you on your gift-giving journey, we asked followers of the HuffPost Parenting Facebook page for the gifts forthcoming teens have asked for this holiday season and/or gifts that crushed it in the past. Like teenagers themselves, the suggestions run the gambit. From video game controllers to vegetarian cookbooks, it seems there’s something for every type of teen here. There are even some options you can enjoy as a family, a huge feat when it comes to teens.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/griffinwynne1/we-found-out-what-actual-teenagers-want-for-the-holidays