Walmart tried to charge woman $92 for a pair of pants
Kelly Corbett - Author

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In fact, a woman recently took to the platform to sound off about a time that she was told by Walmart employees that the $4 pants she wanted were allegedly over $92.


Source: Getty Images

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A Walmart employee said the pants were $4, others said $92.

While shopping at Walmart, a woman named Chyna, whose TikTok handle is @cottoncandied, spotted a fun pair of “the fake leather legging type pants” laying around in her size. But there was one minor caveat: The pants didn’t have a price tag.

After asking the fitting room attendant to do a price check on the pants, she received great news: The pants were $4. Chyna definitely wasn’t going to pass up this deal.

But little did she know that as soon she got to the cashier to check out, everything would go wrong.

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Since the pants didn’t have a price tag on them, the cashier had to type the product number into the register to ring them up.

“She types the number in on the pants and says it’s $92.47 and I was like ‘no it’s not.'” Chyna exclaims in her TikTok, adding, “When has anyone paid $92.47 for a pair of pants at Walmart?”

Determined to get these pants for $4 as she was told, Chyna asks the cashier if she can try purchasing them at customer service.

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“She escorts me to customer service and with the nastiest attitude tells this lady ‘she’s trying to buy these pants and they rang up as $92 but she’s saying that someone told her they were $4,'” Chyna recounts.

The woman working at customer service decides to do a price check for Chyna. She types the number on the pants into her computer and much to Chyna’s chagrin, she tells her that they are $92.47.

A pair of pants with a sale tag

Source: Getty images

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Once again, Chyna is dumbfounded. Did the fitting room attendant lie to her? Also, when did Walmart start selling such expensive attire?

Fortunately, the fitting room attendant comes to the rescue and confirms to the woman at customer service that she did tell Chyna the pants were $4 because that was the truth.

As the fitting room attendant quickly figured out, her two coworkers had made a mistake when checking the price: They were supposed to type a 0 in first before keying the number in.

The correct price was $4.

“I paid for my $4 pants and walked out,” Chyna said. What a power move!

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Naturally, the comment section on the video went wild as users couldn’t believe that two employees confidently told Chyna that the pants were $92.

tiktok comment

Source: tiktok

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One user even joked that they must have thought they were working at a Nordstrom.

tiktok comment

Source: tiktok

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Another hoped that Chyna returned to the cashier who accidentally gaslighted her and told her she was wrong.

tiktok comment

Source: tiktok

Bottom line: If you’re getting charged over $92 for pants at Walmart, tell the cashier to add a zero to the front of the number and try again.
