⚔️🏹Orhan Ghazi⚔️🏹 Korulish Osman series is now in 1308 AD. Historically, Orhan Ghazi was 27 years old at the time, but the play shows his birth to be around 1287, so Orhan Ghazi is 21 years old according to the play. At that time, the conflict with the Banugrimian Emirate was at its height and one of the most important signs of this conflict was the famous incident when Muhammad bin Yaqub, taking advantage of the absence of the ruler of Karajahisar and the Khan, laid siege to it and plundered it. Lia, and Khan pursued him to the lands of the Emirate of Gurmian and succeeded in arresting and imprisoning Muhammad and putting him in chains and imprisoned him. He was released and agreed with Benogurmian.