In a now-viral video, a woman revealed that veterinary surgeons are disqualified from jury duty. Keep reading for all the known details.

TikTok creator revealed that veterinary surgeons are disqualified from jury duty.
Source: TikTok /

If you’re a veterinary surgeon who was summoned for jury duty, we have some great news: You’re disqualified from serving on a jury! This can be verified with a quick Google search, but in July 2023, TikTok creator Bren ( went viral for pointing out this revelation on the popular social media platform.

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Read on for more details. Plus, stick around to hear what the rest of social media has to say about jury duty, including what exempts them from the civic duty service.

Vet checking teeth of a small dog.
Source: Getty Images

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This woman revealed that veterinary surgeons are exempt from jury duty.

Although she wasn’t summoned, Bren chose to spend her Friday night looking up what can disqualify a person from jury duty — and it’s safe to say she was shocked by the results.

“If you’re a veterinary surgeon, you’re disqualified from jury duty,” Bren revealed before panning the camera to show her dog. “If you do surgery on my little Pipsqueak, you can’t do jury duty. What do the veterinary surgeons know that the general public doesn’t? Why can’t they be on a jury? Me and Pipsqueak deserve answers.”

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At the time of this writing, Bren’s viral video has more than 3.6 million views and over 2,200 comments. Many fellow TikTokers took to the comment section and disclosed what disqualifies them from jury duty.

“I have a Bachelor’s in Forensic Science, and my MOM was dismissed from jury duty because of MY degree,” one user wrote. OK, that’s actually insane — how is that possible?!

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A second TikToker revealed, “I’m ineligible for jury duty because I have a bachelor’s of criminology and would be seen to have ‘undue sway’ on other jury members.”

“I was an intern for the public defender’s office — great disqualification,” a third person shared, while another TikTok user replied, “I get asked about my psych degree every time and then get immediately dismissed, lol.”

A college student claimed that their geology professor “always gets dismissed because he knows too much about the environment for the government’s liking.” That’s interesting…

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TikToker @alexvashni73 commented, "Basically, if you are above a certain intelligence or have a certain degree, they won't allow it. They want the jury to not know what they're doing."
Source: TikTok / @alexvashni73

“I got dismissed because I was a victim of a crime once,” someone else added.

Another person strangely recalled, “I saw a woman kicked off the jury because she said she was psychic and already knew how the trial ended.” Well, did she save everyone the trouble and reveal the verdict? We need answers!

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“My BF got summoned once, but someone at the jury office must have really [f—–] up because my BF is a felon and [can not] be summoned.” Oof, talk about awkwardness.

Someone else pointed out, “My dad’s a veterinarian, my mom was a counselor, my sibling is studying forensic chem, and I’m studying psychology. I guess my family won’t have to go.” Honestly, good for them!

TikToker @megantheeswiftie commented, "Vet school is really hard to get into less than 30 schools, and there are so few surgeons that them missing work could be detrimental 🥰"
Source: TikTok / @megantheeswiftie

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“I just told them when I was summoned that I have bad unmedicated ADHD,” a TikTok user explained, “and I will not be a liable person of judgment. It worked.” Will it work again after this? Probably not, but you never know.

So, why do you think veterinary surgeons are exempt from jury duty? Let us know your thoughts!
