Today, January 2st 1642, Sultan Mehmed IV was born 🤴🏻

His mother Turhan had taken care of Sultan Mehmed IV education. He was a brillant rider and a hunter. He was interested in litrature. Mehmed IV came to throne after his father Sultan Ibrahim I’s murder. Sultan Mehmed IV was only seven when he was accessed. He was religious man 🖊️📃

He had chosen his grand vizier from family of Koprulu. Under the administration of Ahmed Koprulu the empire recoverd from its depression. Morever, the Ottoman Empire has reached largest territories. Sultan Mehmed IV had spent most of his life with palace intrigues. After the Ottomans had been defeated in Vienna, the council dethroned him in Nov 1687. Until his death he was inprisoned in his room with concubines 🖋️

Also today too in January 2th 1699, Sultan Osman III was born..🤴🏻

He succeed the throne in the age of 56. Because he lived a prisoner’s life in the palace, he was nervous by the character. But he was gracious and merciful sovereign. Sultan Osman III hated music and musican, he sent away all the musicians from the palace 💬

He reigned for nearly three years, he changed his grand vizier for seven times. Its known that he went in public by disguising himself 🖊️