Today is today Bayezid II passed away at Büyükçekmece, Constantinople (İstanbul). The eighth Sultan of Empire, he is rememebered for his compassion and wisdom..

After his father Sultan Fatih Mehmed II passed away come with the help of the Janissaries on the throne

Bayezid II campaigned against Italy, Balkan area and Hungary. He conquered other part of Balkan area, Moldova and Bessarabia, but suffered a decisive defeat against the Egyptian Mamluks in 1488.

İn response to the Spanish Alambra Decree which expelled the Jews from Spain by July 31, 1492, Sultan Bayezid II sent the Ottoman navy under the command of Kemal Reis to save Jews who were expelled. They were a factor in contributing much to the rising power of the Ottoman Empire upen their arrival to Ottoman lands. He sent out declarations throughout the kingdom that these refugees should be welcomed. He granted the refugees the permission to settle in the Ottoman Emipire and become Ottoman citizens. He ridiculed the conduct of Ferdinand II of Aragon and İsabella I of Castile in expelling a class of people so useful to the their subjects. You venture to call Ferdinand a wise ruler, he said to his countries who he was impoverished his own country and enriched mine. Bayezid addreesed a Ferman ( İmperial Edict ) to all the governors of his European provinces , ordering them to not only to refrain from repelling the Spanish refugess , but to give them friendly and welcome reception. He threatened wth death all those who treated the Jews harshly or refused them admission into the empire.

Bayezid’s last years of reign were plagued by succession disputes between his sons Ahmed and Selim. The latter rebelled against his father and, with the assistance of the Khan of Crimea and the Janissaries, succeeded in 1512 in forcing his father to resign. A few days later, Bayezid died, possibly poisoned.

May Allah bless your soul 🤲