Today, 15 dec 1574, Sultan Selim II passed away 🤲🏻🤍

Selim was insignficant sultan compered to his ancerstors. He was not as talented as father Suleiman the magnificent. Under successful administrations of experienced statesmen of period especially grand vizier Sokollu Mehmet Paşa 📃🖊️

Selim was very well educated, in his father’s period he ruled many provinces in Anatolia. While acting as a governer he continued his education. His father Suleiman the magnificent passed way when Selim was governer of Kutahya. On hearing his father’s death he went to Istanbul.He succeeded the throne at the age of 42 🤴🏻✨

Sokollu Mehmet Paşa had been the the grand vizier for 15 years and it is possible to say that he ruled the empire in this period. Sultan Selim II never went to campaigns himself, never commanded his army Inebahti defeat is a result of his Commander of the Seas Ali Pasha’s failure in commanding the navy 🖊️✨

After Selim II passed away, Nurbanu ordered their son Murad to come back to Constantinople ( Istanbul ) in secret message. Murad secretly waited for one of the paşa’s ship to arrive so he can come back to Constantinople ( Istanbul ) as soon as possible but the Prince coudn’t find the Paşa’s ship. so he arrived in Constantinople ( Istanbul ) on the night few days after with a different ship. Murad thus arrived in the capital in few days after, Although he owed the ship a quick arrival, the prince struggled with very serious seasickness along the way, which made his situation bitter for some time even after his arrival. His most important task would have been to execute his brothers immediately. However, Murad was unable to issue the order. For eight hours he refused to sit on the throne ✨🖊️