Time-Lapse Video Of Multitasking Mom Shows That Women Really Do Run The World


Moms can absolutely do it all, but doing it all is hard work. And right now, moms have so much on their plates — even more than usual. One working mom recently took to social media to show just how much she’s doing in a day, and it’s enough to make your head spin.

Kristen Krahl is a Chicago-based mother of three who posted the video earlier this week. In it, she is working at her computer while also pumping breast milk and caring for her 10-week-old daughter, Maeve. In just a few days, the video went viral, and there’s no question as to why! It’s relatable as all get out.

So many moms are up against all the exact same struggles, but watching the sped-up video really paints a pretty clear picture of what mom life looks like. When you see Kristen doing it all — all in one video — it’s hard to ignore how truly amazing mothers are.

Source : https://www.littlethings.com/time-lapse-video-multi-tasking-mom/