“Day to day, it can feel very isolating to have gone through this, where 99% of the world hasn’t,” Lowitz told BuzzFeed News. “When I saw the TikTok, it was a reminder that I’m not alone.”

She has never counted how many scars she has from that night. Like Davis, she wasn’t shot, but she was injured jumping over a fence and crawling under a soundstage to get away from the gunfire. The bullets came close: A man standing behind her was shot, and Lowitz watched him bleed out. Today, Morgan has been diagnosed with severe PTSD and anxiety. As a teacher, she knows it might not be her last mass shooting.

“I know that in my profession, it is 1,000% probable,” she said. “It’s becoming more and more common at schools. So much so sometimes I think, as much as I love it, do I still want to do it?”

It took her two years to listen to Aldean’s music again (it’s a goal of hers to go to one of his concerts again), but she still has a hard time with things like unexpected fireworks and even going to the grocery store alone. 

Lowitz said she still keeps in contact with a couple who took care of her after the shooting until her parents showed up to take her home. She’s also found support in social media groups for mass shooting survivors.

“While I don’t know everyone,” she said, “we’re a family.”

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/paigeskinner/vegas-mass-shooting-survivors-tiktok