Thrift-Shopping Mom Handcrafts Different Halloween Costume Every Day To Pick Kids Up From School

Carrie Motley of Rocklin, California knew exactly what to do when her son was struggling with confidence and self-esteem. It was something her friend used to do for her own son and she decided to follow suit.

That October, Carrie walked into her son’s school wearing a silly Halloween costume — hoping the sight of her would make him laugh and break him from his shell. “I couldn’t walk straight I was laughing so hard.”

After that day, it became an annual tradition. Every single school day of October for the past six years, Carrie has been wearing a different costume during pick-up at the end of the school day.

They’re not just ordinary store-bought and ready-made costumes, either. Carrie shops at thrift stores and craft stores, creating her outfits by hand.

There was Princess Fiona of “Shrek.” And Cookie Monster. And Napoleon Dynomite. And the list goes on and on…

At first, Carrie’s four sons were all in agreement that their mom’s costumers were pretty embarrassing.

But over time, something began to change…

Footage provided by KTXL Sacramento

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