This Is Why You Struggle With Self-Love, Based On Your Myers-Briggs Personality Type

ENFP: You spend too much time thinking about the next best thing. You have trouble staying in one place (physically or otherwise) because you think there are better things waiting on the other side of wherever you are, and you believe you’ll only be happy and whole once you get there. Take the time to realize where you are, and who you are, and how great things are right here where you’re standing. You’re worth loving right here where you’re standing.

INFP: You worry that you don’t know who you really are. You have so many thoughts flying around inside your mind. You spend a great deal of your life determine where you stand on things, and you hold true to the strong moral convictions you possess. Yet you’re also open to so many possibilities and perspectives, that sometimes you have trouble figuring out where you stand and what you really think…and this causes you to doubt yourself and your worth more than you would like to admit. It’s okay that you’re still taking time to figure out the person you are, but you can still love yourself and your growth as you work your way to getting there. You can (and should) love yourself while you’re trying to get there.

ENTP: You value your ideas and whether they come to fruition too much. You have a lot of ideas, and you have a desire to see them come to life. Sometimes, they do, and it’s everything you hoped it would be. Other times, not so much, and you judge yourself and your worth a little too harshly. It’s okay that not every idea you want to happen ends up happening. Your value isn’t hinged solely on how successful you are with your ideas. You can still value yourself in the failures, simply because you were willing to try. Please, give yourself some credit for being willing to try.

INTP: You compare yourself to people around you. You spend a lot of time dwelling on ideas and solutions inside your head, but you don’t always follow through on the actions. This can cause you to look around at everyone else, particularly ones you admire, and compare yourself to them which can easily send you down a spiral of thinking you’re not good enough. You need to take the time to realize that just because you aren’t in the same place as other people doesn’t mean you aren’t worthy of love or are invaluable. Try to focus on yourself and making the things in your head a reality. You have a lot going for you that’s worth loving.

ESFJ: You’re trying to save everyone else all the time. You want to be the hero who saves the day, and truth be told you’re quite good at it. You gravitate towards people who need a helping hand, or just who end up needing somebody at all. You take their burdens upon your shoulders and do your best to be the savior they so desperately are searching for and you hinge your self-worth entirely on how many people you successfully “save.” Sometimes, there are people in this world who can’t be saved, and either way, it is not your sole responsibility to do so. You are still worthy of love despite how much you do for others. You have to learn to take care of yourself, too.

ISFJ: You’re always trying to make everyone else happy. There is nothing more that would make you happy than if everyone would just get along. If there is harmony amongst your friends, family, or coworkers, then all is right with the world. However, if there isn’t any harmony, you throw yourself into the chaos hoping to smooth things over. You tend to value yourself by how effective you are at keeping the peace, and if no resolution can be made between people, even despite your best efforts, you tend to see yourself as pretty useless. However, not everyone in the world is going to get along all the time, and that’s perfectly okay. You are still worthy of love even if everyone else can’t seem to agree, and you should do your best to remember that you still have so many great things about you to give to this world.

ESTJ: You base your worth on what you achieve. You love to get things done, in the most efficient way possible. Yet sometimes things beyond your control can cause you to be knocked off track, and things don’t turn out the way they’re supposed to. You tend to measure your self-worth based on the things you achieve, the more practical, the better. Yet you need to take time to remind yourself that you value isn’t determined based on what you get done all of the time. You are still someone worthy of love and respect even if everything doesn’t go according to your plans.

ISTJ: You worry you won’t provide enough to care for the people around you. You care a lot for your family and loved ones, and you tend to take it upon yourself to provide for their practical and material needs as much as humanly possible. This tends to cause you to place a lot of pressure on yourself as the sole person responsible, and if you’re not able to come through the way you expect, then you see yourself as worthless. Take time to remind yourself that it isn’t always up to you to handle everything and that you’re still a valuable person worthy of love even on the days you mess up. You contribute so much to this world, but it isn’t all that you are.

ENFJ: You are too focused on the lives and problems of everyone else around you. You are definitely the person people turn to when they need an ear to listen or a shoulder to lean on. You have a real knack for helping people become the best version of themselves. However, sometimes you get too sucked into the lives and problems of other people, and you wear yourself down trying to be there for them and help them out. You tend to measure your worth on how everyone else in your life is doing, and you never take the time to recognize how incredible you are. You need to take the time to remind yourself that you are still worthy of love despite what is happening either everyone else and despite what things you’re able to do to help them. You have to take time to take care of yourself, too.

INFJ: You think you have to be perfect. You spend a great deal of time inside your mind, dreaming up the perfect world, with the perfect ideals, and the perfect version of yourself. You always compare the person you are to the person you feel you’re supposed to be, and it causes you to think very little of yourself sometimes. It’s okay to remember that nothing in this world, including you, is perfect, nor is it supposed to be. Take time to remind yourself that perfectionism shouldn’t dictate your self-worth.

ESTP: You want to impress everyone else. Your confidence tends to radiate from you in most circumstances, but truth be told, you have a strong desire to impress the people around you whether it be through your actions, personality, or anything else you can muster. You don’t need people to like you, but you do need them to be impressed by you because only then do you think highly of yourself. You need to take the time to reflect on why this is so important to you and to realize that impressing other people shouldn’t determine the way you see yourself. You are an incredible person worthy of love despite whether anyone else is looking at you.

ISTP: You’re analytical to a fault, and it causes you to be insanely hard on yourself. Truth be told, you spend some much time with yourself that people would assume all you have is self-love. Yet as someone who is logical and constantly inside your own head, you tend to analyze everything possible, including yourself. You can easily nit-pick at things to try and find a better solution, and if you’re not careful, this can apply to yourself too—constantly finding the faults within yourself and trying to figure out the quickest way to fix them. You need to take time to realize that continually being hard on yourself isn’t going to yield the outcome you’re hoping for in the long run and that you are worthy of love despite how often you might try to convince yourself otherwise.

ESFP: You’re too busy trying to get everyone else to love you. You are an entertainer for sure, even if you’re not always on a stage. There are a lot of people who seem to like you, and that works out well for you since you tend to thrive on the approval of the people around you. Yet you tend to hinge your entire value on validation from others, and if you don’t receive it, you start to believe there is something wrong with you and that you’re worthless. However, you can’t allow the opinions of people to determine your value, because at the end of the day the person whose opinion matters most needs to be your own. You are still someone filled with endless possibility and potential, regardless of whether or not you have people always telling you so.

ISFP: You spend too much time trying to be mysterious. You know there is a lot about you that this world isn’t aware of, and you don’t mind that at all. You go through a great deal of effort to make sure people only know certain things about you, and it can take its toll after awhile. You start to internalize the belief that the more mysterious you are, the more worthy you are, and that’s just not true. Keeping yourself hidden from the world doesn’t mean you’re more valuable, and you need to take time to remind yourself that you’re still worthy of love despite how much of yourself the rest of the world sees and trust me, it’s worth seeing.

ENTJ: You value your accomplishments more than yourself. Once you set your eyes on a goal, it takes a heck of a lot to stop you from making it happen. You are known for accomplishing pretty much anything you set your mind to and sometimes you have a habit of letting your worth tie into that. The more you achieve, the more valuable you see yourself, and you assume that others see you this way too. Yet when you aren’t succeeding the way you hoped, or you aren’t accomplishing the things you set out to do, you become incredibly harsh with yourself and tend to view yourself as worthless. You need to take time to remind yourself that you aren’t always going to succeed, but that doesn’t mean you are worthless. It says you’re human (despite how much you wish that weren’t true). You are still valuable and still worthy of love even on the days you fail.

INTJ: You think you need all the answers. You place a high value on knowledge and obtaining it however you can. It can be beneficial to learn about things, and in that search, it can easy to get caught up in trying to have everything figured out. You tend to believe that once you have all the answers to the questions in your mind, that’s when you’ll be happy, and that’s when you can finally love yourself. Yet the truth is, none of us have all the answers, and we never will. That’s perfectly okay. You shouldn’t determine your value based on whether or not you know everything you’re searching for. It’s okay to recognize that you can still see yourself as worthwhile and valuable while you’re on the journey to figure everything out. Take time to remind yourself that you’re still worthy of love even when you don’t have all the answers. TC mark

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