This 'Dirty' Guy's Response To A Mom Trying To Make An Example Out Of Him Is Perfect

There’s this perception that human beings have and it’s that things that are “easier” are almost always better.

Which is true, for the most part, you shouldn’t waste your time on things that aren’t worth it when you aren’t spending as much time on other aspects of your life that are way more important. It’s like obsessing over the type of cheese you’re going to platter for a friendly get-together while you’re working a job you hate and your resume’s been collecting dust and needed to be updated three years ago.

You should absolutely be willing to get your hands metaphorically “dirty” in order to accomplish your dreams.

Especially if that includes actual dirty work. For some people, being successful isn’t defined as sitting in an office or behind a computer all day – they like working with their hands and getting the occasional grime on themselves. And it doesn’t make them any less of a person for enjoying that kind of lifestyle.

A lesson that Andy Ross hopes he imparted on a young girl and her mother during a visit to the store when he had some dirt on his face. He shared the message on Facebook, where it’s been shared over 163,000 times.

Andy writes that the child kept staring at his dirty face, which didn’t bother him, until the young girl’s mother tried to use him an example of “why you should stay in school.”

So I had a very interesting “educational” conversation with a woman and her daughter today. As I entered the store before I got home, a little girl kept staring at me. Which is fine. I know that kids are curious when they see someone, especially as dirty as I was. They ended up in front of me as I was checking out. Little girl still staring, her mother told her to stop staring. As they finished and headed towards the door, I hear her mom say quietly to the little girl “that is why you need to stay in school”. I figured this was a great time to educate this mother and her 7/8 year old daughter. The following is our conversation: 

First, I happen to be a very educated dirty man. I not only have a high school diploma, I also have a college degree and many medical certifications. So assuming that I am uneducated because of my appearance is actually quite ignorant in itself. 

Secondly, if you are telling your daughter to stay in school because I have tattoos up and down my arms, that will actually suppress her creativity and potentially hinder her imagination as she develops. Again, contradictory to your point ma’am. I am proud of my tattoos and artwork that Forrest Bateman put on my body. It’s a representation of my pride in my country and my service over multiple combat tours as a special operations medic. 

Third, if you’re referring that statement to the hat (not featured) I’m wearing because it features an elk, you might not understand it. I happen to co-own Evergreen State Outdoors and am proud to own an outdoors company and support my rights to hunt and responsibly be a gun owner. 

Finally, I chose to work in a construction industry. I am proud to say that I am apart of building America and I enjoy my job everyday. I tried working a desk job when I got out of the service and it wasn’t for me. I enjoy working with my hands and being outdoors. Subsequently, it comes with being dirty some days. I make good money, have benefits, and am able to provide for my family without issue. So my appearance reflects nothing to do with my level of intelligence or pursuing a higher level of education. 

I left the the two with a simple final statement of “have a good day and try not to judge people before you know anything about them. Good luck with her little girl” 

Today’s lesson for the day:

1- don’t judge people at first glance.
2-do what you love and enjoy and it’s never work.
3-blue collar jobs are the best jobs. They can pay great and it doesn’t always come with a price tag.
4-education is important, but college doesn’t guarantee you anything.
5- experience, hard work, and dedication allow you to be successful in your career path.
6-don’t be an asshole parent who raises their kids to be an asshole.
7- when attempting to insult someone’s intelligence and education level, don’t allow yourself to be out educated by said dirty man.
8- I need a shower.

People loved his post and the “lesson” he hopefully taught the young girl and her mother that day.

And of course, there were people who found a problem with the message he was trying to get across.

Equally insulting to people who work “dirty jobs” is the appropriation of “hard work culture,” something that former Dirty Jobs show host, Mike Rowe, talked about at length in this facebook post blasting “fake mud jeans.”

The part of the post that sums up his argument hits the nail on the head on people who “mock” hard work:

If Nordstrom’s wants to carry them, the description would read something like this:

“Finally – a pair of jeans for the hard-working gent who doesn’t want to actually wear them. The Borax Wash is so rugged and so manly, they don’t even need a human to hold them up! So sit back and relax, secure in the knowledge that your work pants can’t be folded or stored like other jeans. Show the world you mean business by owning the only jeans that can’t be worn! The jeans, that can stand on their own!”

$600 – only at Nordstrom.

And if you really wanted a pair of “dirty” jeans, you could just do this:

But I guess that would be too much “dirty” work for some people to handle.

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