
“I told the CEO’s wife what I thought. I didn’t make it to the next Christmas party.”

“I told her what I thought of the decision to cut bonuses dramatically so she could have a big Christmas party. 

“She loved company Christmas parties and convinced her husband to slash bonuses by over 50% so we could do a big, expensive, ridiculous party. She actually fucking said employees would enjoy the party more. 

“Figure the company was about 100 people and the cost must have been close to $100,000. The rental for the property was over $10,000 alone for that one night. There were ridiculously expensive door prizes that were mostly won by management, food that was all catered to be like a Top Chef tasting experience, outrageous giant decorations, and live entertainment. 

“Oh, and it wasn’t an open bar. So she rolled up to the bar and stole one of the drinks I was in the process of paying for like it was her right while bragging about how much she loved this time of year.”


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/juliacorrigan/specific-mistakes-that-cost-careers-job