
“My worst appointment ever as a bridal stylist/consultant was three or four years ago. My beautiful bride brought her mother and her aunt, and they’d clearly been to a few salons unsuccessfully, partly because the bride had her eye on a dress at our store and couldn’t decide until she tried it on. I quickly found out that the other reason they’d had such an awful time shopping was because the MOB and AOB were incredibly cruel people.

“Apparently, the bride had recently gained some weight, and her bust size had increased considerably, but she was still by no means a plus-size bride. MOB and AOB said just the meanest things to this poor, beautiful girl, including ‘that dress might look good when you get back to your normal weight,’ ‘your fat boobs are spilling out of that dress,’ ‘ew,’ etc. it was terrible, and the bride was in tears with me in the dressing room. I had enough, and started to stick up for her, which just made the two women turn on ME.

“‘Don’t tell me you’re one of those girls who thinks everyone is beautiful’ and ‘don’t lie and say she doesn’t look fat in those dresses to make yourself feel better about how you look,’ on and on. Truly incredibly cruel, creatively cruel. To be clear, the bride had gone from a size 4 to, like, a size 8. The bride and I both cry in the dressing room and have a long chat about how the right wedding dress will make her feel beautiful no matter her weight. She didn’t buy a gown from my store, and I assume continued to shop with her awful mother and aunt. I think about her often; I hope she found something she liked and someone gagged her MOB and AOB on her wedding day.” 


Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/jessg/wedding-industry-employees-are-sharing-their-horror-stories