Source: TikTok/@prison_story

Folks, this is important stuff…

An ex-convict named Amanda posted a video on TikTok and warned viewers to be careful about certain things in their lives that might just get them thrown in the slammer.

Amanda said, “If you’re doing one of these three things, prison may be in your future.”

Source: TikTok/@prison_storySource: TikTok/@prison_story

Amanda addressed food stamps first and said, “Saying you don’t make as much money so that you can get more food stamps? Trouble is in your future.”

And she further added that you should NEVER brag about this on social media…just in case.

Source: TikTok/@prison_storySource: TikTok/@prison_story

The second crime Amanda addressed was ringing up items incorrectly at Walmart. She said, “I know a person who got a big old fancy vacuum cleaner but they rang up a pack of Kool-Aid and they got her for shoplifting.”

The third and final thing she talked about in her video was a big no-no…

Don’t change someone’s social media or email passwords. Amanda said, “Unless they give explicit permission to have their passwords, they can press charges.”

Amanda’s caption reads, “Be honest, have you ever done even one?”

Source: TikTok/@prison_storySource: TikTok/@prison_story

Here’s the video.


Be honest, have you ever done even one? 👀 #crime #jail #prison #crimeprevention #arrested #police #education #thingsyoudidntknow

♬ original sound – Amanda Dove ❤️

Now check out how folks reacted.

This person isn’t a fan of the food stamp system.

Source: TikTok/@prison_storySource: TikTok/@prison_story

Another TikTokker brought up rich folks…

Source: TikTok/@prison_storySource: TikTok/@prison_story

And this individual shared a crazy story.

Source: TikTok/@prison_storySource: TikTok/@prison_story

Thanks for the tips!

Good to know!

If you liked that post, check out this story about a customer who insists that their credit card works, and finds out that isn’t the case.
