
This naval mine just casually chilling in the ocean. I’ve seen Finding Nemo, and I know to swim the hell away from these things, thank you.


This giant squid that’s like, “Hey, cool surfboard; I’ll take it. You can’t do anything about it because I have a million more suction cups than you.”


The front of the Titanic that’s too ominous to look at.


And here’s a photo I find even more ominous: It’s the iceberg that sank the Titanic, taken by a passenger on the Carpathia, the rescue vessel that saved 705 Titanic passengers. I can’t explain it, but the iceberg looks so casual??? It’s scary.


This frilled shark that definitely looks like it wants to sell me bootleg DVDs.


This tongue-eating louse that lives in the ocean, enters through a fish’s gills, eats its tongue, and REPLACES the tongue with itself.


This blue hole that I know not to trust because I’ve seen my fair share of sci-fi horror movies.


This Coast Guard ship that was sunk on purpose to make an artificial reef, which I think is cool but I’m also allowed to think is creepy.


This photo from the Chandelier Cave in Palau, which gives me claustrophobia just looking at it.


This sunken plane that looks so intact that I feel like it should be on land and repaired, but no, it belongs to the ocean.


This lamprey in New York that I can’t look at too long because the teeth really get to me. They’re native to the Atlantic and I live near the Pacific, but I still don’t think that’s far enough.


This waterspout that freaks me out because the ocean should not be in the sky. Plain and simple.


This glory hole (yes, that’s what it’s actually called) that’s not actually in the ocean but I can still file under “weird parts of water that defy logic.”


This sea cave that looks like a dragon’s eye. If the entire ocean rose up to create some sort of giant water dragon, I would not be the least bit surprised, because the ocean is mighty and terrifying.


This jeep that’s a scary PSA to use your parking brake (JK, but also, my car sinking is a fear of mine).


Finally, this 100% genuinely horrifying photo of LITTER at the very bottom of the MARIANA TRENCH. We as humans are terrible.

Source: https://www.buzzfeed.com/audreyworboys/photos-of-the-ocean-that-are-terrifying